Physics & Astronomy
Four Physics majors graduated in December 2024. Left to right: Anthony Vaughn, Cody
Morrell, and Xavier Hurley. Not shown: Ryan Carlock.
Physics Seminar Schedule for Spring 2025
NASA Tennessee Space Grant Scholarships for Freshmen/Sophomore Physics Majors
Now available: STEM Community Outreach Scholarship for new out-of-state students majoring in Physics, Mathematics, Geosciences, or Computer Science.
ETSU Noyce Program: for Physics/Chemistry/Math Majors: Application forms now available!
NOTE: The Honors-in-Discipline Program is being replaced by the University Research Honors Program. The information about the Honors-in-Discipline Program listed under Academic Programs holds only for students admitted to the program BEFORE Fall, 2023 and is retained for them. For all students admitted to the University Research Honors Program in Fall, 2023 and later the following link provides information about the scholarship and expectations for the new program:
University Research Honors Program
The Department of Physics and Astronomy is part of ETSU's School of Science, Engineering, and Math.
Last updated: 10/14/2024 by BJS