Students in philosophy have a choice of two concentrations: a traditional philosophy major or a philosophy major with religious studies concentration. In consultation with an advisor, students will select courses for the program of study from a set of required major core courses and guided electives.
We offer courses in core areas such as ethics and political philosophy, metaphysics and epistemology, and the history of philosophy, as well as specialty courses such as philosophy of law, philosophy of science, existentialism, bioethics, philosophy of art, philosophies of feminism, environmental philosophy, and philosophy of religion.
Students in the religious studies concentration may also choose from an array of religious studies courses in departments such as History, Sociology and Anthropology, and Literature and Language. All students in our program complete a senior research paper under the supervision of a faculty member and participate in a senior seminar in which they share their work in progress with one another. This is a very valuable experience, as it gives students the opportunity to pursue a topic of their choice in greater depth.
Academic advising is important because it provides students with accurate information about the classes needed to satisfy program and degree requirements and when they should be taken in order to graduate in a timely manner. Advisors can help students to identify, clarify, and investigate educational and career options following completion of the undergraduate degree. They can also provide advice about courses and activities that will help students acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for achieving future goals.
Prior to registering for classes each semester, each student should meet with an advisor to discuss upcoming plans and progress toward completion of requirements.
To contact an advisor, please consult the list below:
Students who have completed fewer than 60 hours
Majors/Minors in Philosophy Concentration
David Harker
Rogers-Stout 322E -
Majors in Justice, Ethics, and Law Concentration
Allen Coates
Rogers-Stout 322F -
Humanities Minors
Leslie MacAvoy
Rogers-Stout 322A -
Majors/Minors in Religious Studies Concentration
Keith Green
Rogers-Stout 322B -
Honors-in-Discipline Majors
Allen Coates
Rogers-Stout 322F
Other resources are available from the Center for Advisement and Student Excellence (CASE). Click here to visit their webpage.