Music Service Award (MSA)
The Music Service Award provides $1500 per semester, renewable for up to eight semesters ($3000 per academic year; $12,000 total). It may only be applied to spring and fall semesters (no summer or winter terms) and cannot be stacked with a university Academic Performance Scholarship at any level (Presidential, Provost, Dean, or Faculty) – OR – an Athletic Bands Service Award. Additionally, it may not be stacked with other major ETSU scholarships as outlined in the Scholarship Office Policies (click on “Other Policies”).
Eligibility requirements:
- Students in any major may apply (not specific to music majors or minors)
- Tennessee resident or an approved border county resident (designated counties in North Carolina and Virginia)
- New freshmen or transfer student (have not previously been enrolled at ETSU)
- High school GPA of 2.50 minimum OR college transfer GPA of 3.00 minimum
- ACT minimum score of 18 - OR - SAT minimum score of 980
Maintenance requirements:
- Maintain a 2.5 term GPA
- Maintain a 2.5 cumulative GPA
- Enroll in and PASS a minimum of 15 credit hours each semester (may be waived with approval of the Department of Music Chair)
- Enroll in eight CONTINUOUS semesters. If a student leaves the university at any time during the eight semesters of funding, the scholarship will be canceled and cannot be renewed if a student returns in the future.
- Enroll in Applied Music lessons each semester (may be waived with approval of the Department of Music Chair)
- Enroll in a music ensemble course as assigned by Department of Music faculty (may be waived with approval of the Department of Music Chair)
- Complete 50 hours of service as assigned by the Department of Music each semester
Cancelation and Probation:
- If a student fails to meet any of the maintenance requirements during a semester, the Music Performance Scholarship will be automatically canceled unless the student appeals to the Department of Music Chair either in writing (email is acceptable) or in person.
- If an appeal is approved, the student will be placed on probation for a maximum of one semester without change to funding. If the deficit is not met after one semester of probation, the scholarship will be canceled with no possibility of continued probation or appeal.
- Once the scholarship has been canceled, it can never be renewed.
Audition requirements:
- Follow the audition requirements for your designation (music major, music minor, or non-music major/minor) as outlined in the Department of Music Audition Guidelines.
Questions about the Music Service Award? Contact the Department of Music at
Athletic Bands Service Award (ABSA)
The Athletic Bands Service Award provides $1500 per semester, renewable for up to
eight semesters ($3000 per academic year; $12,000 total). It may only be applied to
spring and fall semesters (no summer or winter terms) and cannot be stacked with a
university Academic Performance Scholarship at any level (Presidential, Provost, Dean,
or Faculty) – OR – an Athletic Bands Service Award. Additionally, it may not be stacked
with other major ETSU scholarships as outlined in the Scholarship Office Policies (click on “Other Policies”).
Eligibility requirements:
Students in any major may apply (not specific to music majors or minors)
Tennessee resident or an approved border county resident (designated counties in North Carolina and Virginia)
New freshmen or transfer student (have not previously been enrolled at ETSU)
High school GPA of 2.50 minimum OR college transfer GPA of 3.00 minimum
ACT minimum score of 18 - OR - SAT minimum score of 980
Maintenance requirements:
Maintain a 2.5 term GPA
Maintain a 2.5 cumulative GPA
Enroll in and PASS a minimum of 15 credit hours each semester (may be waived with approval of the Department of Music Chair)
Enroll in eight CONTINUOUS semesters. If a student leaves the university at any time during the eight semesters of funding, the scholarship will be canceled and cannot be renewed if a student returns in the future.
Enroll in a music ensemble course as assigned by Department of Music faculty (may be waived with approval of the Director of Athletic Bands)
Complete 50 hours of service as assigned by the Director of Athletic Bands each semester
Cancelation and Probation:
If a student fails to meet any of the maintenance requirements during a semester, the Music Performance Scholarship will be automatically canceled unless the student appeals to the Director of Athletic Bands either in writing (email is acceptable) or in person.
If an appeal is approved, the student will be placed on probation for a maximum of one semester without change to funding. If the deficit is not met after one semester of probation, the scholarship will be canceled with no possibility of continued probation or appeal.
Once the scholarship has been canceled, it can never be renewed.
Audition requirements:
Follow the audition requirements for the Marching Bucs as outlined on the Athletic Bands Information Page.
Questions about the Athletic Bands Service Award? Contact the Athletic Bands Executive
Aide, Patti Marlow at
Creative Arts Scholarship (CAS)
The Creative Arts in Music Scholarship is a special opportunity for non-Tennessee students with interests in the arts and arts related fields. ETSU is committed to providing excellent training and experiences for students in the arts and for students with interest in continued opportunities to pursue creative endeavors. The scholarship provides students with the complete cost of out-of-state tuition, so recipients pay the same rate as Tennessee residents. Students who are participating in another program which covers out-of-state tuition (including but not limited to Academic Common Market, border waiver, Honors-in-Discipline) are not eligible. Students must be new to ETSU to qualify for the scholarship; already enrolled students are not qualified. Both undergraduate and graduate students may apply for the scholarship unless otherwise noted.
To audition, follow the audition requirements for your designation (music major, music minor, or non-music major/minor) as outlined in the Department of Music Audition Guidelines. You will be automatically considered for the CAS when you audition if you meet the criteria. Be sure to discuss your interest in the Creative Arts Scholarship with the faculty during your audition.
Complete information about the Creative Arts in Music Scholarship.
Questions about the Creative Arts Scholarship? Contact the Department of Music at
Endowed Scholarships for Winds, Strings, and Percussion
Endowed Scholarships are funded by private donations to the ETSU Department of Music. The scholarships available to instrumental performance and education majors vary in amount. The majority are available to current ETSU Department of Music Students, typically juniors and seniors. Select scholarships are available to students new to the Department of Music (freshmen or transfers). An endowed scholarship is not automatically renewed from one year to the next. You must re-audition each year for these scholarships. The requirements for the scholarships vary. Contact the professor of your instrument for complete information. If you are a new student (incoming freshman or transfer) you will automatically be considered for all available endowed scholarships at your audition.
The following Endowed Scholarships are available to students that play Winds, Strings, and Percussion:
Sandra G. Powell Orchestral Scholars
To provide scholarship assistance to deserving students who are music majors and enrolled
in the orchestra. Recipients must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.5. Funded by a gift
from Sandra G. Powell and the estate of her late husband, James Powell.
Powell Instrumental Music Program Scholarship
To provide scholarship assistance to deserving full-time students who are enrolled
in the concert bands. Students may be any major, but must maintain a minimum GPA of
2.5. Funded by a gift from Sandra and James Powell.
Dr. Richard Comption Endowed Scholarship
The purpose of this fund is to honor the memory of Dr. Benjamin Richard Comption III,
a long-time faculty member and Chair of the ETSU Department of Music. The scholarships
are available to full-time music majors that play a woodwind and/or string instruments,
with first priority going to a clarinetist. Students must maintain a minimum GPA of
3.0. Funded by family and friends of Richard Compton.
DeLaNie Classical Strings Scholarship
The purpose of the scholarship is to provide scholarship assistance to students enrolled
in the orchestra. Students may be any major. Funded by a gift from Dr. Maria Niederberger,
an accomplished composer and ETSU faculty member from 1999-2017, who served as the
Chair of the Department of Music from 2013-2017, and her husband, Ramon De La Guardia.
ETSU Strings Endowed Scholarship
The purpose of the ETSU Strings Endowed Scholarship is to provide financial assistance
to students pursuing an undergraduate music degree on a string instrument. Recipients
must maintain a 2.5 minimum GPA and enroll in orchestra. Funded by an anonymous donor.
Elsie Artz Endowed Scholarship
To provide annual scholarships for academically talented music majors playing piano
and/or strings. Ms. Artz was a gifted pianist and teacher in the TriCities community,
and taught hundreds of young students. Funded in honor of Elsie Artz by Welsford P.
Ella Virginia Ross Endowed Scholarship
The purpose of the Ella Virginia Ross Endowment is to generate scholarships for instrumental
junior or senior music majors (playing any instrument). Recipients must maintain a
GPA of 2.8. Funded by May Ross-McDowell, the sister of Ella Virginia Ross, and other
Walter & Elizabeth Marshall Endowed Scholarship
The purpose of the Walter and Elizabeth Marshall Endowed Scholarship is to provide
scholarship assistance to deserving students majoring in music (in all areas). Funded
by a gift from the estate of Walter Carson Marshall, ETSU class of 1959, and his wife,
Elizabeth Knight Marshall, class of 1942.
Kenton Coe Composition Endowed Scholarship
The purpose of the Kenton Coe Music Composition Endowed Scholarship is to provide
scholarship to students with serious interest and demonstrated skill in Music Composition
(in all areas). Students are selected through a competitive submission process. Kenton
Coe was a successful composer native to Johnson City. He studied at Yale University
with Paul Hindemith and Quincy Porter. Funded by the ETSU Friends of Music in honor
of Kenton Coe.
Paul L. Arrington Endowed Scholarship
The purpose of this fund is to perpetuate the life and legacy of Paul L. Arrington
by providing scholarship to deserving students from Sullivan County, TN, majoring
in instrumental music education. Funded by Mary Jane Arrington, Jeffrey L. Arrington,
and friends of the Arrington family.
Nicholas L. Tate Music Education Endowed Scholarship
A scholarship for students majoring in Instrumental Music Education. Recipients must
maintain a minimum GPA of 2.5. The purpose is to honor the memory of Nicholas Loran
Tate, his gifts and talents in music, and his dedication to teaching by providing
scholarship to deserving students pursuing a degree in instrumental music education
(playing any instrument). Funded by the parents, family, and friends of Nicholas L.
Tate to honor his memory. Mr. Tate died in September 2009 at the age of 25 after a
traumatic brain injury. He was pursuing a degree in Instrumental Music Education at
that time.
Dr. Maria Niederberger Strings Scholarship
The purpose of the Maria Niederberger String Quartet Endowed Scholarship is to provide
scholarship to deserving string students participating in a supervised string quartet
or small chamber ensemble composed of and/or including classical strings. Performance
or music education majors will be given preference. Funded by a gift from Dr. Maria
Niederberger, an accomplished composer and ETSU faculty member from 1999-2017, who
served as the Chair of the Department of Music from 2013-2017.
Marty Massengale Horn Scholarship
The purpose of the Massengale Scholarship Endowed Scholarship is to provide financial
assistance to deserving students playing horn in the Department of Music. Preference
will be given to students majoring in performance and music education. Recipient must
maintain a minimum GPA of 2.5. Funded by Marty Massengale, an ETSU alumnus who wanted
to help future students have the opportunities that he was provided.
Dr. Rande Sanderbeck Percussion Scholarship
The purpose of the scholarship is to provide financial assistance to a student majoring
in percussion. Dr. Sanderbeck was the percussion professor at ETSU from 1985-2018.
Funded by friends and family of Rande Sanderbeck.
John and Bonita Martin Strings Scholarship
The purpose of the scholarship is to provide financial assistance to students enrolled
in the orchestra. Students may be any major, but must maintain a GPA of 2.8. Funded
by a gift from John and Bonita Martin.
Tindall Orchestra Scholars
The purpose of the scholarship is to provide financial assistance to students enrolled
in the orchestra. Students may be any major. Funded by a gift from Bill and Judy Tindall.
Bert C. Bach Orchestra Scholars
The purpose of the scholarship is to provide financial assistance to students enrolled
in the orchestra. Students may be any major. Funded by a gift from Bert C. Bach, former
Provost of ETSU and long-time friend of the Department of Music.
Endowed Scholarships for Piano
Endowed Scholarships are funded by private donations to the ETSU Department of Music. The scholarships available to piano performance majors vary in amount. The majority are available to current ETSU Department of Music Students, typically juniors and seniors. Select scholarships are available to students new to the Department of Music (freshmen or transfers). An endowed scholarship is not automatically renewed from one year to the next. You must re-audition each year for these scholarships. The requirements for the scholarships vary.
For more information and to schedule an audition, contact Dr. Eva Polgarat
The following Endowed Scholarships are available to piano students:
Powell Steinway Scholars
The purpose of the scholarship is to provide financial assistance to students majoring
in piano. Recipients must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0. Funded by a gift from James
and Sandra Powell in honor of their financial gift that made ETSU and All-Steinway
Marilyn Davis Piano Scholarship
The purpose of the scholarship is to provide financial assistance to students majoring
in piano. Funded by a gift from Marilyn Davis.
Kenton Coe Composition Endowed Scholarship
The purpose of the Kenton Coe Music Composition Endowed Scholarship is to provide
scholarship to students with serious interest and demonstrated skill in Music Composition
(in all areas). Students are selected through a competitive submission process. Kenton
Coe was a successful composer native to Johnson City. He studied at Yale University
with Paul Hindemith and Quincy Porter. Funded by the ETSU Friends of Music in honor
of Kenton Coe.
Marie H. Hunter Endowed Scholarship
The purpose of the Marie Hutchinson Hunter Endowed Scholarship is to provide scholarship
to students pursuing piano performance.
Endowed Scholarships for Instrumental Jazz
Endowed Scholarships are funded by private donations to the ETSU Department of Music. Scholarships are available to all students participating in the instrumental jazz program and vary in amount based on talent. An endowed scholarship is not automatically renewed from one year to the next. You must re-audition each year for these scholarships. Auditions for jazz scholarships require specific repertoire.
Download the audition repertoire from the Endowed Jazz Scholarships page.
To audition for an Endowed Scholarship for Instrumental Jazz, contact Mr. Martin Walters at
The following Endowed Scholarships are available to students in Jazz:
Topalian Jazz Endowed Scholarship
The purpose of the Topalian Jazz Endowed Scholarhip, initiated by Wayne G. Basler,
is to provide scholarship assistance to deserving students performing in the ETSU
Jazz Ensemble. Preference will be given to Jazz Studies majors.
Endowed Scholarships for Vocalists
Endowed Scholarships are funded by private donations to the ETSU Department of Music. Vocal scholarships are available for both music majors and non-music majors who participate in choral ensembles. The scholarships vary in amount based on talent. An endowed scholarship is not automatically renewed from one year to the next. You must re-audition each year for these scholarships. To audition for an endowed scholarship for vocal music, follow the audition instructions outlined on the Vocal Audition Page. If you have questions, contact Dr. Alan Stevens You will be automatically considered for all endowed vocal scholarships when you audition.
The following Endowed Scholarships are available to students majoring in vocal performance, vocal music education, and those participating in choral ensembles (from all majors):
Powell Choral Scholars Endowment
The purpose of the scholarship is to provide financial assistance for students enrolled
in choral ensembles. Students may be any major and must maintain a minimum GPA of
2.5. Funded by a gift from James and Sandra Powell.
Dr. Thomas Jenrette Choral Alumni Endowed Scholarship
The puropose of the scholarship is to provide financial assistance to a vocal music
major. Recipients must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.8. Funded by gifts from alumni
of the ETSU Chorale upon the retirement of Dr. Jenrette in 2012. Dr. Jenrette was
the Director of Choral Activities from 1979 - 20212.
Dr. Thomas Jenrette Vocal Scholarship
The purpose of the scholarship is to provide a large financial award to a vocal music
major. Recipents must a full-time student and maintain a minimum GPA of 2.5. Funded
by a gift from James and Sandra Powell to honor the legacy of Dr. Thomas Jenrette.
Dr. Jenrette was the Director of Choral Activities from 1979-2012.
Teresa Bowers Endowed Scholarship
The Teresa Bowers Endowed Scholarship provides scholarship for a deserving student(s)
majoring in vocal performance or vocal music education. Funded by friends of Teresa
Bowers, an ETSU graduate selected as the first Outstanding Alumna of the Arts.
Robert LaPella Scholarship
The Robert LaPella Endowed Scholarship provides scholarship to an oustanding student
majoring in vocal performance. The scholarship was funded by alumni to honor the memory
of Robert LaPella, Professor of Voice and Director of Vocal Studies and Opera in the
ETSU Department of Music from 1962 - 1997.
Virgil Self Scholarship
The purpose of the scholarship is to provide financial assistance for a vocal major.
The recipient must maintain a GPA of 3.0. Funded by Mary Florence Seld and friends
of Virgil Self to honor to the memory of Virgil Self, a long-time faculty member and
Chair of the Department of Music.
Walter & Elizabeth Marshall Scholarship
The purpose of the Walter and Elizabeth Marshall Endowed Scholarship is to provide
scholarship assistance to deserving students majoring in music (in all areas). Funded
by a gift from the estate of Walter Carson Marshall, ETSU class of 1959, and his wife,
Elizabeth Knight Marshall, class of 1942.
Kenton Coe Composition Scholarship
The purpose of the Kenton Coe Music Composition Endowed Scholarship is to provide
scholarship to students with serious interest and demonstrated skill in Music Composition
(in all areas). Students are selected through a competitive submission process. Kenton
Coe was a successful composer native to Johnson City. He studied at Yale University
with Paul Hindemith and Quincy Porter. Funded by the ETSU Friends of Music in honor
of Kenton Coe.
Walter Garland Patton Memorial Scholarship
The purpose of the Walter Garland Patton Memorial Endowed Scholarship is to provide
scholarship to deserving students with an interest in becoming a minister of music.
Funded by Sara Garland Patton in memory of her son, Walter Garland Patton.
For more information on available scholarships, visit the ETSU Scholarship Office website.