Scholarships for Media and Communication Students
East Tennessee State University delivers one of the best returns on investment in the country. We have a number of funding opportunities through on and off-campus awards, but students should investigate all available funding opportunities by visiting our university scholarships page.

Students receiving full scholarships through the University Honors or Roan Scholars programs are not eligible to receive additional CBAT scholarships.
The funds for these scholarships are provided by businesses, alumni, and other supporters of the College of Business and Technology, and selection for the scholarships is based on factors such as:
- Grade point average (in high school and/or college)
- ACT/SAT scores (for incoming freshman)
- Hometown location
- Work experience and/or career objectives
- Participation in extra-curricular activities
- Scholarships are not automatically renewed each year; therefore, students must re-apply each year to be considered for a scholarship.
By filling out this one online application form, scholarship applicants are eligible to all applicable CBAT scholarships (both at the departmental and college level). The online application is only accessible January 2 – March 1 of each year.
Application for CBAT Scholarship
Jack Mooney Journalism Scholarship ($500)
Provides scholarship assistance to deserving students enrolled in the Media and Communication Program with a concentration in Journalism. -
Richard Cobb Miller Scholarship ($400)
Established by Herbert L. Shulman, James MacLean and the Reverend James M. Coleman in memory of their friend, Richard Cobb Miller, a Johnson City journalist. The award provides a $400 stipend for each of the recipient's junior and senior years. It is awarded on the basis of academic achievement and promise for success in a career in journalism. -
George Kelly Scholarship
Awearded to deserving high school or transfer students who show a discernible interest in journalism. It is normally presented to incoming freshman with a 3.5 GPA or better on high school work or transferring students with a 3.0 GPA or better at another college or university. Depending upon the availability of funds, the scholarship can be award to a student with a 3.0 GPA or better already enrolled in the journalism program at ETSU, or as a result of a journalism competition, such as a newspaper writing contest. The award is competitive, with special consideration given to outstanding minority applicants. -
Robert Smith Jr/WCYB Scholarship $2000
Provides $1000 each semester to incoming freshman. -
Gary Potter Memorial Scholarship ($1000)
Awarded annually to a Media and Communication major with an interest in radio or television concentration. -
Dan Brown Memorial Scholarship ($500)
Awarded annually to an outstanding student with a Media and Communication major, or an minor in Advertising, Journalism, RTVF, Sports Media or Major/minor in the Department -
Brenda Sandos Memorial Scholarship ($500)
Scholarship for an incoming high school student or current major who is from Bristol, TN. The award is $500 and can be received up to two years concurrently. -
The Jerry and Nancy Netherland Memorial Endowment ($750)
For incoming high schoolers, current majors, transfer students, or non-traditional students with preference to out-of-state candidates with a minimum 3.0 GPA. Students may receive the award up to 4 years concurrently. -
A. Pearson Memorial Scholarship ($500)
Awarded annually in honor of A. Pearson, a student and young artist whose presence is still felt within the department, this scholarship provides $500 to support underrepresented students in the study of media and communications, especially those interested in film. -
Tim Cable Broadcast Memorial Scholarship ($1000)
Provides scholarship in memory of Tim Cable, the popular Tri-Cities broadcaster, to an ETSU student majoring in any area of broadcasting, who shows promise in their storytelling and communication abilities, and enthusiasm for the broadcasting profession.
For more Information about financial aid and scholarships at ETSU, please visit: