Joshua S. Reid, PhD
Associate Department Chair | Associate Professor, English
- reidjs@etsu.edu
- 423-439-6681
- Burleson 108
BA, 2000, Virginia Tech (English and Communication Studies)
MA, 2004, University of Kentucky (English)
MA, 2012, University of Kentucky (Art History)
PhD, 2013, University of Kentucky (English)
Areas of Specialization: Early Modern Literature, Italian Romance Epic, Literature
and Visual Art, Translation Studies, Textual Editing
Academia.edu Profile
Joshua Reid joined the Literature and Language faculty in 2012. He teaches British Literature I and II, European Literature, Bible as Literature, and Milton and His Age. His publications include articles on Dantean portraiture in California Italian Studies, Early Modern Translation Studies in The Spenser Review, and Early Modern translations of Tasso in Forum for Modern Language Studies. His scholarly edition, The Italian Romance Epic in English, 1590-1600, is forthcoming from the Modern Humanities Research Association and he is currently working on Approaches to Teaching the Sonnet, part of the MLA Approaches to Teaching World Literature series. He is General Editor for The Manchester Spenser, Manchester University Press's monograph series on the life and works of Edmund Spenser. In 2019, he won the College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Teaching Award.