David Korfhagen, Ph. D.
Coordinator of Spanish | Assistant Professor, Spanish
- korfhagen@etsu.edu
- 423-439-6626
- Burleson Hall, Room 307
David Korfhagen received his PhD in Spanish Linguistics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Before coming to ETSU, he was a Lecturer at the University of Virginia. He has taught a wide range of courses of all undergraduate levels, from introductory Spanish grammar and conversation to the history of the Spanish language. He conducts research on social and cognitive factors in semantic change, as well as language contact, second-language acquisition, and second-language pedagogy. He also does translations and transcriptions of historical and current-day documents, as well as closed-captioning and transcriptions of recorded interviews, for both academic and non-academic purposes. Additionally, he regularly edits, proofreads, and creates indexes for academic books, articles, chapters, and dissertations across various fields, including Hispanic, Lusophone, and Galician Linguistics, World Literature, Cultural Studies, and Astrophysics, and he has done manuscript reviews for the academic journal Hispania.