Scott Honeycutt, PhD
Director of English Secondary Education | Associate Professor, English
- honeycut@etsu.edu
- 423-439-5993
- 305 Burleson Hall
Scott Honeycutt holds a Ph.D. in American literature from Georgia State University. A former English major and alumnus here at ETSU, Dr. Honeycutt returned to the university in 2013. As an associate professor of English, his primary job responsibilities include coordinating the secondary school teaching program and teaching pedagogical methods courses. His research interests include nineteenth century nature writing, walking literature, poetry, and young adult literature. He has published scholarly essays in Northwest Ohio History, The Journal of Ecocriticism, Writing the Environment in Nineteenth-Century American Literature, and Comic Connections: Connecting Character and Theme. In addition, Dr. Honeycutt has published numerous poems as well as two poetry chapbooks: This Diet of Flesh (Finishing Line Press) and Twelve Miles North of the Ohio River (Seven Kitchens Press). When not teaching, Scott enjoys spending time with family and walking the hills of Appalachia.