Contact Information: & 423-439-6112
Accounts Payable is responsible for the verification and maintenance of transactions processed via Banner & eBucs. In addition, Accounts Payable is responsible for all university disbursements with the exception of payroll and student financial aid. Travel is also processed through the Accounts Payable office. All ETSU employees and non-employees who are authorized to travel at university expense must follow the ETSU Board of Trustees General Travel Policy and all State of Tennessee Travel Regulations.
Pat Wolfe
Executive Director - Procurement, Contract Services, and Accounts Payable
Ariana Decker
Information Research Technician
James Dunn, Jr
Director of Accounts Payable
Morgan Larimar
Procard Coordinator
Danya Cope
Information Research Technician
Sara Morawetz-Joyner
Information Research Technician
Main Forms
Travel Forms
- Travel Authorization - 2024
- Travel Authorization - 2025
- Travel Claim-2024
- Travel Claim-2025
- Travel Claim Mileage - 2024
- Travel Claim Mileage - 2025
- Travel Claim Team/Group
- Travel Rates
ETSU instituted the Procard program in order to streamline the purchasing process for low-value purchases less than $5,000. Departments can use their Procard, which functions like a credit card, to place orders with vendors in lieu of ETSU purchase orders.
Important Resources
- The Manual has full information on the use of the Procard.
- The Reference Sheet details which purchases can be made using the Procard.
- US Bank Access Online Link
- Us Bank Access Online Cardholder Training
- Contact Morgan Larimar at
- Business and Finance Training Videos (Employee login required).
Lost/Stolen Procard
- Immediately contact US Bank at 1-800-344-5696.
- Then notify Morgan Larimar as soon as possible at 423-439-4803, or to get a replacement card.
Sam's Club
Accounts Payable FAQs
Main FAQs
Can our department purchase food for an event on campus?
Policy FP-6 identifies when food can be purchased for on campus events. When the total dollar value of the meal is $150 or more, the campus dining services supplier, ARAMARK, must be used. Food purchases that do not follow policy will not be paid or reimbursed with university funds. -
How do I look up a Vendor's Banner E#?
In eBucs, look under the History tab at the top of the eBucs homepage, enter the supplier or vendor name at the supplier tab, then click on Search. When the purchase orders for the vendor appear, click on any one of them and the Status Screen and Status Tab will open. Under the General Information heading, you will find the vendor's E-number (listed as the "Supplier Number").
If you are still unable to find the vendor's E-number, please call Accounts Payable (439-4224) and we will assist you.
How can I check and see if an invoice has been paid?
Departments can now search through Goldlink Self-Service Banner to find what has been paid. For instructions on how to use Goldlink Self-Service Banner, please click here. -
How can I tell if a payment has been processed?
Departments have access to this information directly through Goldlink Self-Service Banner. In Banner, you are able to see the date for check printing and also obtain the check number. For instructions on how to use Goldlink Self-Service Banner, please click here. -
Why did I get an email to create a receipt when I did not get a hard copy of the invoice?
All the hard copies of invoices associated with a purchase order that come directly to accounts payable stay in Accounts Payable. Once the invoice is entered into eBucs, an email is generated to the purchase order owner that an invoice has been entered into eBucs and needs a receipt so payment can be made. At this time, if the item has already been receipted, an email is still sent. -
What are the mileage and per diem rates?
The Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) sets the mileage and meal rates. The mileage rate as of January 1, 2025, is $0.70 per mile. This rate is subject to change by TBR.
Per diem rates are the allowed reimbursement rates (on a daily basis) for lodging (excluding taxes), meals and incidental expenses. These expenses are also known as the Meals & Incidental Expenses).
The General Services Administration (GSA) establishes per diem rates for destinations within the continental United States. You can find for the currently promulgated rates at: GSA's website
Select the appropriate state. The city in which your services are provided may be listed.If your city is not listed, please look for the county in which you will be staying at the: National Association of Counties (NACO) website
What form does the reimbursement of travel for candidates go on?
Reimbursement or Check Request Form is necessary. No W-9 form is required for reimbursement of expenses. -
How can I verify a payment has been paid to a Vendor?
Departments can obtain this information on Goldlink Self-Service Banner. They are able to see when the vendor was paid and also obtain the check number. For instructions on how to use Goldlink Self-Service Banner, please click here. -
How do I receipt an order?
First, enter the Purchase Order into eBucs at the search box located in the upper-right hand corner of the eBucs homepage, and the Status Screen and Status tab will open. An "Available Actions" drop-down box is located at the right-hand side of the page. Select either (1) C reate a Quantity Receipt, or (2) Create a Cost Receipt, and select the Go button.
You will then be on the Draft Receipts tab. Enter the quantity or the cost that you are receipting. Once the information is verified, click the Complete button in the upper right-hand corner of the tab.
Travel FAQs
Where can I find ETSU's Travel policy?
What regulations do I need to review?
How do I calculate mileage?
How is the amount to be reimbursed determined?
If I get a package deal from a website such as Travelocity or, why do I need to prove I got the best rate by documenting other rates for the airplane ticket and the hotel?
This is a TBR regulation. -
Why do I need to complete a DTA before I travel? Why must it be authorized by my supervisor?
DTAs are no longer used -
When and why do I need to complete a 5-part Travel Authorization?
Five part forms are no longer used -
What paperwork do I need to submit with my Travel Authorization?
- Registration Information
- Hotel Rates if conference
What needs to be included with my Claim for Travel Expenses?
Original receipts for all expenses except mileage and meals -
What paperwork do I need to submit with my Claim for Travel Expenses?
- Original Travel Authorizations approved
- Original Receipts
- Conference Brochure with hotel room rates
- Receipts for Pro Card payments (Airfare & Registration)
Per diem rates for meals vary by location. Why is this? How can I find my rate?
Per Diem (M&IE) is the allowance for lodging (excluding taxes), meals and incidental expenses. The General Services Administration (GSA) establishes per diem rates for destinations within the Continental United States. Please visit to find the rates. Click on the state you need to view that state's rates. Even though some cities are listed for your lookup convenience, not all cities can or will be listed, so look for the county where you will be staying. To look up the county, visit If the city or county you are looking for is not listed on the GSA per diem rate page, then the standard CONUS rate of $93 for lodging and $51 for meals applies. -
What are per diem rates for the first and last day of my trip? Why is it less on these days?
On the first and last travel day, employees are only eligible for 75 percent of the total per diem (M&IE) rate for their temporary duty travel location (not the official duty station location). -
Why do I need to tape my small receipts to an 8 x 11 piece of white paper when I submit my claim for Travel Expenses?
This is required so that the travel documents are in order and ready to be scanned into a permanent record -
When can I get a travel advance?
Students and groups only may have an advance. The advance is available two (2) working days before travel. -
Can the University prepay my registration?
The University can prepay registrations by check. If payment can be made by Procard, this is preferred -
What is the reimbursement rate for hotels?
- Travel within the State of Tennessee?
- The hotel rate is determined by the GSA PerDiem rate.
- Travel to a conference?
- The hotel rate will be obtained from the Conference brochure, or website, where it indicates the conference headquarters hotel(s) and the standard room rate will be used. This information must be sent with travel claim for verification. Employees may select a non-conference hotel. Reimbursement will be made at a rate not to exceed the conference hotel rate.
- Travel to a business meeting (non-conference) out of state?
- The hotel rate is obtained from GSA PerDiem rates provide for out of State.
- Travel within the State of Tennessee?
What travel expenses can I use my University Procard for?
- Airfare Tickets
- Registration Fees
Who approves international travel?
- International travel needs to be approved by the VP for the department of the traveler.
- After approved, international travel authorization will need to go to the Provost Office to be logged.
- International travel is anything NOT within the contiguous United States. Hawaii and Puerto Rico are considered international travel.
- Travel Advisory documentation must be attached to the Travel Claim, no matter what the level.
- Travel Advisory over a 2 requires the Provost Office approval and a waiver.
Are travel claims for an employee supposed to be processed through eBucs?
Yes -
Can travel claims for a student be processed through eBucs?
Yes, but only if the student will be traveling multiple times. -
What needs to be done to get an employee in eBucs so a travel claim can be processed?
An email that includes name and E# needs to be sent to -
How do I add an attachment to a employee reimbursement requisition in eBucs?
Scan the information that needs to be added. Go into the requisition and click on the comments tab; click on the yellow add comments button; at the bottom of the pop up box is where an attachment can be added.
Enterprise FAQs
What documents must I have with me when I travel on business for ETSU?
When traveling on business for ETSU in an ETSU, rental or personal vehicle, you must carry with you the following two documents to be used in the event of an auto accident with another vehicle not operated by the State: Auto Accident Reporting Instructions & Damage Notification Card -
What website do I go to reserve an Enterprise vehicle?
Click and login using your ETSU Username and Password, then select either
Enterprise-Business Use link or National–Business Use link for one-way or Airport reservations -
What steps do I need to take to reserve an enterprise vehicle?
Demonstration videos provided below:
- Car Rental Process (Required)
- Registration Completion Process (Optional)
What vehicle rental companies are included with Enterprise?
Enterprise Rent-A-Car, National Car Rental, and Alamo Rent a Car -
Do I have to be a member of the Emerald Club to reserve a car?
An Emerald Club membership is required if you are requesting delivery of a 15 passenger van to campus, or if you travel more than 2 times per month. However, any employee may become a member. A personal credit card is required to create an Emerald Club membership. Benefits of membership are e-receipts, bypass the counter at National locations and choose your own car, expedited service at Enterprise, and the ability to earn free rentals to redeem for personal travel. If you want to become an Emerald Club member, click on the Emerald Club Enrollment link on the reservation webpage -
Who can rent a vehicle on the Enterprise Contract?
Enterprise must provide vehicle rental services to any State user who is at least eighteen (18) years old at the reservation start time and holds a valid driver’s license. For the rental of a 12 or 15 passenger van, the State user must be at least twenty-five (25) years old at the reservation start time. -
How do I rent a 12 or 15 passenger van?
All 15 passenger vans must be booked by calling 423-282-0361 with as much advanced notice as possible or by e-mailing your request to The Johnson City branch will offer a delivery of 15 passenger vans only Monday – Friday 7:30am-5:30pm to a location on campus arranged by the renter and the Johnson City office. It is the renter’s responsibility to reschedule the delivery or to pick the van up at the rental location if the renter cannot be present at the scheduled delivery time. -
Can vehicles other than a 15 passenger van be delivered to campus?
Only 15 passenger vans can be delivered and returned to campus. These vans are ordered by calling or emailing in advance to make the appropriate arrangements for delivery and return. -
Can vehicles other than a 15 passenger van be returned to the key drop off on campus?
No, the key drop off on campus is reserved for the 15 passenger vans only. These are unique rentals that require special handling by the Johnson City Enterprise branch. All other vehicles must be returned to the one of the local Enterprise locations. When a 15 passenger van is returned to the key drop off location on campus, the driver must call the Johnson City branch at 423-282-0361 during normal business hours or email to report the vehicle and keys have been returned and stop the charges from accumulating. Charges will continue to accrue to the department if the renter does not call or email to document the return of the van and the keys. -
Where is the key drop box for the 15 passenger vans located on campus?
As of May 15, 2018, the key drop box is located in parking lot 22 at the bus kiosk. Lot 22 is on Go Bucs Trail across from the intramural and soccer fields. -
Do I have to use the Enterprise Trip Optimizer every time I drive my personal vehicle?
If the total miles is over 250 miles, the Enterprise Trip Optimizer must be used. For trips up to 250 miles, you may receive reimbursement for a personal vehicle and the full computed rate even if more than the Enterprise cost. For trips over 250 miles, reimbursement for a personal vehicle will be limited to the Enterprise rate calculated by the trip optimizer. -
How many days do I use on the Enterprise Trip Optimizer?
The number of days needs to be the days of travel but can also include the preceding day and the following day if their travel involves leaving before Enterprise is open or returning after it is closed. -
What amount do we use from the Trip Optimizer to compare to a personal vehicle?
Once calculated, use the amount labeled “Cost of Rental”. This amount includes refueling. -
How will students under the age of 18 be reimbursed?
They will be reimbursed at the standard mileage rate per the State of Tennessee. -
Can someone other than the driver reserve the car?
Yes but you will have to have the driver’s information in the reservation. -
If I have problems with the Enterprise website or registration process, who do I contact?
Justin Thurman
Business Rental Account Manager
MiddleTennessee Region
615-309-1281 Office
615-579-2887 Cell -
If I need roadside assistance in the event of a vehicle breakdown, accident, towing or other issue, who do I contact?
Contact Enterprise Roadside Assistance directly at:
800-307-6666 -
Does the Enterprise vehicle need to be refueled before returning it?
It is preferred that the rental vehicle tank be returned at the same level as when it was rented. If the vehicle is refueled by Enterprise, it will be at a higher rate. -
How does one get reimbursed for the refueling a vehicle?
On the travel claim form, there is a line for Gas FOR Rental Vehicle rental. The amount will be entered on the form and the receipt will need to be included with the claim information. -
When I made my vehicle reservation I had to enter an index to complete the transaction. Is that the index that will be charged for the vehicle rental?
Enterprise invoices will be sent to Accounts Payable who will then send them out to the appropriate department. In eBucs there will be an icon in the ETSU Employee Reimbursements section where the Enterprise invoice and approved travel authorization will be uploaded for payment. This will be entered just like any eBucs requisition and can be charged to any index(s). -
How will we be billed by Enterprise?
Enterprise invoices will be sent to Accounts Payable who will then send them out to the appropriate department. In eBucs there will be an icon in the ETSU Employee Reimbursements section where the Enterprise invoice and approved travel authorization will be uploaded for payment. This will be entered just like any eBucs requisition and can be charged to any index(s). -
What steps do I need to take to get a direct billed invoice paid?
Do I include the Vehicle rental cost on the travel claim?
Enterprise invoices will be sent to Accounts Payable who will then send them out to the appropriate department. In eBucs there will be an icon in the ETSU Employee Reimbursements section where the Enterprise invoice and approved travel authorization will be uploaded for payment. This will be entered just like any eBucs requisition and can be charged to any index(s). -
Who can drive Enterprise vans?
A 7-passenger minivan can be driven by someone who is eighteen (18) years old. A 12 or 15 passenger van can only be driven by someone who is twenty-five (25) years or older.
Enterprise Demonstrations
Car Rental Process
(Required for ETSU Related Rentals)Registration Completion Process
(Optional-Streamlines Rental Pickup Process but is Not Required for ETSU Related Rentals)