Campus Patrols
Security patrols of the campus to administer the Tobacco Free ETSU Policy occur on a daily basis. Any students found in violation of the policy are referred to Student Conduct and faculty or staff members are referred to Human Resources.
Report a Violation
You can report a violation or a campus "hot-spot" via phone by calling ETSU Public Safety's non-emergency number at 423-439-4480 or through the online Bucs Report It feature on the ETSU Public Safety website.
What happens to those found in violation of the Tobacco Free policy?
Students are referred to the student disciplinary process. A hearing is scheduled and the student can receive sanctions if found to be in violation. Communication with student is via eMail. Possible disciplinary sanctions are listed in ETSU catalogs under Student Disciplinary Policies.
Employees are referred to Human Resources who communicate with the employee's supervisor. The progressive discipline process is utilized in these circumstances.
ETSU Tobacco Free Committee
In 2012, a Tobacco-Free Policy Implementation and Compliance Task Group reviewed the tobacco policy and how it was monitored and campus constituents educated on the matter. The Task Group submitted a final report with recommendations that included campus patrols and a standing Tobacco Free ETSU committee. That committee is responsible for this website, logo and re-launch the Tobacco Free ETSU campaign.