- Council for Opportunity in Education - TRiO
- U.S. Department of Education, Federal Student Financial Assistance Programs
- Southeastern Association of Educational Opportunity Program
- U.S. Department of Education
- The National Association of Veterans Upward Bound
- ETSU's Office of Veterans Affairs
- Veterans Administration
- Request Military Records (DD214)
More useful web sites.
The Center for Minority Veterans is part of the Office of the Secretary. The Center assists eligible veterans in their efforts to receive benefits and services from VA. The Center acts only as a mediator and facilitator -- As such the Center does not process claims, handle equal employment complaints, or employee relation problems. The Center is dedicated to ensuring that all veterans are aware of benefits, services, and programs offered by VA.
On May 5, 2010, President Obama signed the Caregivers and Veterans Omnibus Health Services Act of 2010 into law. The law includes provisions that help provide support for the caregivers of seriously injured Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans, helps improve services for our nation's 1.8 million women Veterans, and helps expand the availability of health care for Veterans and services preventing Veterans from becoming homeless. These measures and others honor the sacrifices of our men and women who have served this country proudly, the commitment and dedication of those who care for our wounded service members every day, and our Nation's sacred responsibility to stand by our troops, our Veterans, and their families.
Community College of the Air Force
CCAF serves the educational needs of the Air Force enlisted community by offering
associate in applied science degrees and other credentialing programs that enhance
mission readiness, contribute to recruiting, assist in retention and support the career
transitions of enlisted Airmen. The college is the only federally chartered institution
in the United States that awards college degrees solely to USAF enlisted personnel.
CCAF is accredited by the Commission of College of the Southern Association of Colleges
and Schools.
Disabled American Veterans has never wavered in our commitment to serve our nation's service-connected disabled veterans, their dependents and survivors. Our largest endeavor in fulfilling that mission is our National Service Program. In 88 offices throughout the United States and in Puerto Rico, the DAV employs a corps of approximately 260 National Service Officers (NSOs) who represent veterans and their families with claims for benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), the Department of Defense and other government agencies. Veterans need not be DAV members to take advantage of this outstanding assistance, which is provided free of charge.
DOD Non-Traditional Education System (DANTES)
DANTES mission is to support the off-duty, voluntary education programs of the Department of Defense and to conduct special projects and development activities in support of education-related functions of the Department.
eBenefits is your one-stop shop for online benefits-related tools and information. This portal is designed for Wounded Warriors, Veterans, Service Members, their families, and their caregivers. We invite you to explore eBenefits and become a registered user.
Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services
For more than a half century, the Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services has been the standard reference work for recognizing learning acquired in the military. Presented here in online format, the Guide Online contains ACE recommendations for formal courses and occupations offered by the services as individual exhibits.
Check out the free FAFSA on the Web: the way to apply online for student financial aid! When you apply online, you don't hassle with paperwork, and you get your results faster. Plus, help filling out your FAFSA is built into the system, so you'll know what to do as you go along. You can even chat live online with a customer service representative if you need personal assistance. This help is free. You don't have to pay us or anyone else for assistance.
Folds of Honor is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization with a mission to empower deserving military families with educational support and opportunities. FHF provides post-secondary educational scholarships to the spouses and children of service members disabled or killed as a result of their military service to our great nation. Our unique scholarships can be applied to schooling now or held by Folds of Honor on behalf of young children until needed at the time of enrollment.
Are you looking for a job, or are you looking for a career? If you're looking for a career, you're in the right place. Helmets to Hardhats places quality men and women from the Armed Forces into promising building and construction careers.
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is taking decisive action to end Veteran homelessness in five years. All Veterans at risk for homelessness or attempting to exit homelessness must have easy access to programs and services. VA offers a variety of resources, programs, and benefits which are detailed below.
House Committee on Veterans Affairs
Status on what is going on in Congress specific to veterans.
Military.com's free membership connects service members, military families and veterans to all the benefits of service — government benefits, scholarships, discounts, lifelong friends, mentors, great stories of military life or missions, and much more.
The Center aims to help U.S. Veterans and others through research, education, and training on trauma and PTSD.
The National Resource Directory (NRD) provides access to services and resources at
the national, state and local levels that support recovery, rehabilitation and
community reintegration.
Navy Sailor/Marine American Council on Education Registry Transcript (SMART)
An official transcript endorsing and recommending college credit for military education and training and recognized by the American Council on Education (ACE) increases college credit awarded, enhances opportunities to complete a college degree, and offset tuition assistance costs through increased college and university recognition of military schools and experience for credit.
National Association of Veterans Upward Bound Project Personnel
The National Association of Veterans Upward Bound Project Personnel (NAVUBPP) is the professional association for Veterans Upward Bound (VUB) staff personnel. Forty-eight Veterans Upward Bound projects, supported by NAVUBPP, are dedicated to fully developing the personal potential of all U.S. military veterans. VUB staff and instructors assist veterans by developing, improving, and extending educational access and opportunities to eligible veterans through academic needs assessment, instruction, enrichment, and other academic support activities.
The Real Warriors Campaign is an initiative launched by the Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury (DCoE) to promote the processes of building resilience, facilitating recovery and supporting reintegration of returning service members, veterans and their families.
Returning Service Members (OIF/OEF/OND)
Have you recently returned from military service? If you've served, you've earned benefits. Now is the time to take advantage of the benefits VA offers OEF/OIF/OND Veterans.
The Social Security Disability insurance program (sometimes referred to as SSDI) pays benefits to you and certain family members if you worked long enough and paid Social Security taxes.
Students Veterans of America (National)
Student Veterans of America (SVA) is a coalition of student veterans groups from college campuses across the United States. Founded in January of 2008, SVA is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization that works to develop new student groups, coordinate between existing student groups, and advocate on behalf of student veterans at the local, state, and national level. You may contact the Student Veterans of America at ETSU, for more information.
Mission: To build an America where every returning veteran can serve again as a citizen leader, and where together we honor the fallen by living their values through service.
Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS)
Caring for the families of the fallen...
The full transition resources are available through this portal. Access them well before or after your military-to-civilian transition on your timing and when you need them.
Troops to Teachers is a U.S. Department of Education and Department of Defense program that helps eligible military personnel begin a new career as teachers in public schools where their skills, knowledge and experience are most needed.
US Department of Labor Veterans Employments and Training Service
VETS Proudly Serves Veterans & Service Members! We Provide Resources and Expertise to Assist and Prepare them to Obtain Meaningful Careers, Maximize their Employment Opportunities, and Protect their Employment Rights.
Veterans of the United States armed forces may be eligible for a broad range of programs and services provided by the VA. Eligibility for most VA benefits is based upon discharge from active military service under other than dishonorable conditions, and certain benefits require service during wartime.
G.I. Bill forms online
VA is committed to addressing the issue of suicide among our Veterans and offers a network of support available to those who have served our country. VA provides a confidential 24/7 Veterans Crisis Line for Veterans in crisis and their families. Trained VA professionals are available at all times to assist Veterans and their family members. Veterans and their families do not have to be enrolled in VA to use the free, confidential Veterans Crisis Line.