Our Course Test Proctoring Services
University Testing Services (UTS) proctors online assessments for undergraduate, graduate, and professional courses, as well as for academic units conducting programmatic assessments of student learning (Major Field Tests, Comprehensive exams, and Capstone/Exit exams). Instructors requesting UTS proctoring must meet the following requirements:
- Exams are D2L based:
Course Testing and some Capstone. MFT, Comps, etc
for assistance with getting your exams onto the D2L platform, please contact Academic Technology Services. A downloadable guide is available on our creating assessments page.
Or: - Exams are provided by and purchased from a reputable testing company:
Some MFT's, Capstone, Comps, etc are provided by companies such as ETS, Pearson, ACAT, or others. If you plan to use an outside vendor, please check with the testing director that these exams will run on UTS computers. - Duration:
Each assessment can be no longer than 90 minutes (120 for finals), and must be completed in a single session. extended exams will be considered on an individual basis and must be approved by the director. - Exams cannot be password protected:
UTS employs an IP Address lock that locks exams to the testing center computers only--these exams cannot be taken in another location; if you need access outside of testing services, you will need to upload a 2nd version of the exam, and title it appropriately to avoid confusion. This 2nd version should be password protected. For more on our security measures, please see our Protocols section. - Respondus Lockdown Browser (not Monitor) must be enabled:
This keeps students from opening new browsers (windows, tabs, utilities) while testing. - Calculators:
No calculators will be provided by UTS. The Lockdown Browser enables instructors to provide an onscreen calculator (standard and scientific). Additionally calculators with wireless internet or a QWERTY keyboard are prohibited.
ALL Calculators will have their memories wiped before and after testing. - Final Exams:
Final exam week fills up fast! Final exam requests cannot be for an exam longer than 120 mins
In order to have UTS proctor a final exam, you must have had at least one regular semester exam proctored by UTS during the semester of the requested final. However, because of limited availability, having had an exam proctored by us does not guarantee a final exam slot. Final exams are approved on a first come, first served basis.
We can proctor up to 6 online assessments per class, per term, including final exams.
We can also proctor, by instructor request, D2L-based make-up tests for individuals
or small groups of students.
If you are familiar with our services, please go ahead and skip to Requesting Test Proctoring.