The East Tennessean is the major news source for East Tennessee State University.
The student newspaper produces a quality and informative publication for the nearly
15,000 students and 2,000 faculty and staff that are part of the East Tennessee State
University campus.
Advertising in the student newspaper is the best way for your business or organization to share your message with the campus. The East Tennessean offers very competitive advertising rates making the newspaper one of the best advertising deals in the Tri-Cities area! Advertising is available in both our print edition and in our online edition.
Advertising rates for the East Tennessean for 2024-25
Sizes and rates
National Ad Rates
Quarter Page 3x8 $174 B&W $324 Color
Half Page 5x8 $290 B&W $440 Color
Full Page 5x16 $580 B&W $730 Color
Local Ad Rates
Quarter Page 3x8 $144 B&W $294 Color
Half Page 5x8 $240 B&W $390 Color
Full Page 5x16 $480 B&W $630 Color
University Department Ad Rates
Quarter Page 3x8 $125 B&W $275 Color
Half Page 5x8 $208 B&W $358 Color
Full Page 5x16 $416 B&W $566 Color
Student Organization Ad Rates
Quarter Page 3x8 $96 B&W $246 Color
Half Page 5x8 $160 B&W $310 Color
Full Page 5x16 $320 B&W $470 Color
· *We have discounted LOCAL AD Rates for multiple reservations. Email for more information. Four special editions are printed throughout the year. Discounts are not offered for special editions.
Contact our advertising staff at for more information.
Advertising Policies and Procedures:
The East Tennessean will strive to carry out good business practices. Good business practices for a publishing organization include stating advertising rates and policies clearly and applying rates and policies consistently.
The East Tennessean adviser will be responsible for preparation of a budget for the coming academic year. This must be approved by the Student Publications Committee before being submitted to the Student Activities Allocation Committee for consideration.
Advertisements should be designated by the word “advertisement” on the copy in any instance in which the text or pictures are not clearly recognizable as advertising matter. Political advertisements must be marked by the words “political advertisement paid by _____________.”
Pictures of persons may not be used in advertisements without the written permission of those persons. When claims accompanying the picture of a person in the advertisement are attributed to him or her, written permission to be quoted in the copy must be obtaine
Advertisements known to be false or misleading will not be accepted for publication.
Passes, gift certificates, records, tapes, books or other token payments will not be accepted by an individual in exchange for an ad.
Advertisements which are contrary to university policies or which violate the laws of the State of Tennessee will not be accepted.
All advertising is subject to the approval of the executive editor who reserves the right to refuse any ad. The executive editor should consult with the student advertising manager before making any decisions regarding advertising. Students also may seek the advice of the student publications adviser when making such decisions. Advertisements with the following content have been deemed not worthy of approval:
• Fraudulent or illegal content
• Racial, ethnic, religious or sexual orientation prejudicial content
• Pornographic content
• Alcoholic freebies or encouraging excessive drinking
• Profane or obscene content, as dictated by campus community standards
• Any ad that supports or condones plagiarism
The policies concerning alcohol-related advertising are:
• Advertising of alcohol is acceptable but must conform to Tennessee law
• Advertising for alcoholic beverages should not contain pricing. Also, advertising for free alcohol will not be accepted.
• Advertisements for alcoholic beverages should not contain pricing. Also, advertising for free alcohol will not be accepted.
• Advertising for alcoholic beverages must also include advertising for food products.
• All alcohol advertisements will include a Tennessee state drinking age disclaimer, and a drink responsibly reference, i.e. “This establishment encourages responsible drinking and a strict adherence to Tennessee’s legal drinking age of 21.”
• Alcohol advertisements should not contain references to events or programs that include demeaning sexual or discriminating portrayal of individuals.
• Advertisements should adhere to all TBR, ETSU Board of Trustees and ETSU guidelines concerning distribution, possession and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages on campus property or in campus facilities.