Office of the Vice Provost for Research
The mission of the Office of the Vice Provost for Research
- Advance ETSU’s research and scholarship culture, capacity, and enterprise through strategic planning, initiatives, and partnerships.
- Advocate for support and recognition of ETSU research activities.
- Champion research dissemination.
Research Announcements
- IRBManager has become OneAegis. This update includes a dashboard makeover designed to make the program more user-friendly for ETSU researchers. If you currently have IRBManager bookmarked, you can update with this link. Click here for more details on what changes to expect.
- Foreign Influence in Research.
Research Awards
- 2024-25 Outstanding Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity Awards Website
- The Office of the Vice Provost for Research is pleased to announce establishment of inaugural awards to honor outstanding research faculty and staff at East Tennessee State University. Nominations are open until 11:59pm on 09/27/24 and can be made here. Please see the list of awards below for descriptions and eligibility. Nominations can be made by any ETSU faculty or staff member. Self-nominations are not allowed. Awardees will be vetted and selected by the University Research Council, and awards will be presented at the annual Celebration of Research on October 17, 2024.
Research By The Numbers
Over $176M
In Funding Sought FY23
Funding Proposals Submitted
Current NSF HERD Ranking
The Office of the Vice Provost for Research
World renowned researchers and scholars call ETSU home. For this reason, ETSU is a hub of creativity, innovation, and knowledge generation. ETSU researchers literally improve the quality of life of the people of the region and beyond through the work done here. And that critical thinking, idea generation, and passion for knowing are taught to and modeled for students. The Office of the Vice Provost for Research has the privilege of supporting the faculty, staff, and students who blaze trails through their research, scholarship, and creative activity endeavors.
The R2 Designation
ETSU is an R2 institution with premier R2 aspirations. That means ETSU values and prioritizes research and is recognized for it. Through training graduate students, competing for and being awarded research grants and contracts, and engaging undergraduate and professional students in research activities, ETSU contributes to the research and innovation economy. And we desire to contribute even more.
Research Highlights
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