ETSU New Undergraduate Student Tuition & Fees Estimator
Providing an Estimate for Your Undergraduate College Costs
There is a lot to consider when making a college decision, and certainly one of the most important aspects is affordability. Understanding your costs after scholarships and financial aid have been applied to the sticker price can help you compare your choices. If you are a returning student, please check Goldlink for your tuition and fees.
Please Be Advised: The ETSU Tuition and Fees Estimator is designed to provide an estimate to help you understand affordability at ETSU. The information presented here is only an estimate; it is not an actual statement of costs and is not binding in any way. Some courses are added or altered until a few days before the new semester starts. A student’s actual costs will be determined after the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships and the Bursar’s Office have determined a student’s actual expenses and the actual financial assistance available at the time of enrollment.