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Wei, H., & Horton-Deutsch, S. (2022). Visionary Leadership in Healthcare: Excellence in Practice, Policy, and Ethics. Sigma Theta Tau International. ISBN-10:164648021X.
Wei, H., & Horton-Deutsch, S. (2022). Facilitator Guide of Visionary Leadership in Healthcare. Sigma Theta Tau International. ISBN-13: 978-1646480616
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Mamudu, H. M., Shahani, D., Jones, A., Ahuja, M., Adeniran, E., Weierbach, F., Swindle, J., Liu, Y., Keener, J., Blair, C. J., McNabb, M., Asare, M., Wood, D. L., & Ferketich, A. (2022). Exploring Patterns of the Use of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems among Adolescents in High-Risk Appalachian (U.S.A) Communities. Substance use & misuse, 57(2), 167–174. https://doi.org/10.1080/10826084.2021.1990333.
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