Program Admission Requirements
All student, domestic and international, must meet all doctoral admissions requirements of the ETSU Graduate School as described in the graduate catalog.
The following are required for admission into the Ed.D. in Global Sport Leadership:
- Submission of a completed ETSU Graduate School application for admission to the program and payment of appropriate required nonrefundable application fee.
One official transcript from each undergraduate and graduate institution attended, except previous coursework taken at ETSU. Applications will not be considered without all transcripts. International applicants must submit “Official or attested university records (including proof of all degrees received), with certified translations if the records are not in English. Records must be attested by the awarding institution; notarized copies and third-party attestations are not acceptable. Individual year marksheets from Indian institutions are required; summary marksheets will not suffice.”
A personal essay describing how this program can advance your career.
International applicants must submit certification of English proficiency. Graduate students whose native language is not English must submit a score of 79 (Internet-based), 550 (paper-based) on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), taken within the past two years; a score of 6.5 on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS); successful completion of the English Language Services Program at Level 112; or have received a degree from an accredited U.S. institution.
At least three letters of recommendation (at least two of which should be from academic sources such as previous professors or if unavailable, supervisors or peers who can attest to the applicant's ability to complete doctoral work) and a letter of support from the current employer. These letters should be submitted through the ETSU Graduate School online system.
Master’s degree in sport or related discipline with a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a scale of 4.0. International applicants should consult the ETSU Graduate Catalog for more specific information on requirements for countries using different grading scales.
At least 3 years of professional experience in collegiate, professions, or high school athletics. Exceptional applicants with less experience may be considered based on strengths of prior academic performance, the personal essay, and the Letter of support from current employer.
All materials should be submitted to the ETSU Graduate School at the following address:
East Tennessee State University
Graduate School
P. O. Box 70720
Johnson City, TN 37614-1710
Attention: Alondra Robbins
All transcripts must be sent directly from the institution(s) to ETSU. All letters of recommendation and the letter of support must be sent by the authors directly to ETSU. There is also a form that can be used for letters of recommendation at the Graduate School site under Forms.
The costs associated with attending ETSU can include both direct and indirect costs. Please review ETSU's Cost of Attendance for more details.
The cost per-credit-hour for this program is:
- $615 for in-state students
- $670 for out-of-state students.
These totals include tuition, fees, and field trips (with the exception of travel
to the initial destination).
If you are currently employed by a college, university, or other institution that
may provide tuition reimbursement, please check with your Human Resource Department
concerning options that may pay a portion or all of your tuition and fee expenses
for you.