Prestigious Awards Opportunities
Explore nationally competitive awards! Interested? Email us at
Education Abroad
Boren Fellowships
Scholarships up to $12,000-$25,000 for graduate student proposals for research and language study in regions critical to U.S. interests.
- U.S. citizens at the time of the national application deadline
- Planning an overseas program in an overseas location outside of Western Europe, Canada, Australia, or New Zealand
- Planning to study in an overseas location of which they are not a citizen
- Currently enrolled graduate student
- (For ROTC cadets and midshipmen and members of the military Reserves or National Guard) In inactive, non-drilling status for the duration of their Boren Awards-funded program
When: deadline is typically in late January
Boren Scholarships
Scholarships up to $8,000-$25,000 for study abroad programs in preferred regions studying a preferred language. Boren Scholars are required to work in the federal service for one-year.
- Currently enrolled undergraduate students
- U.S. citizens at the time of the national application deadline
- Planning an overseas program in an overseas location outside of Western Europe, Canada, Australia, or New Zealand
- Planning to study in an overseas location of which they are not a citizen
- (For ROTC cadets and midshipmen and members of the military Reserves or National Guard) In inactive, non-drilling status for the duration of their Boren Awards-funded program
When: deadline is typically late January
Critical Language Scholarship
8-to 10-week summer study abroad program in intensive language learning and cultural immersion to support America’s engagement with the world.
- U.S. Citizen
- Currently enrolled undergraduate or graduate student at the time of application
- Meet language requirements of the program you’re applying to (though not all programs require pre-requisite learning)
- No minimum GPA
When: deadline is typically early November
Critical Language Scholarship: Spark
8-week virtual summer program to study either Russian, Arabic, or Chinese as a beginner.
- U.S. Citizen
- Currently enrolled undergraduate student at the time of application
- No formal classroom training in Russian, Arabic, or Chinese
- No minimum GPA
When: deadline is typically early November
Fulbright UK Summer Institutes
Three-to-four-week summer abroad programs for US undergraduate students who have minimal study abroad experience to explore the culture, heritage and history of the UK at a select institution.
- U.S. Citizen
- Minimum 3.7 GPA
- Have at least two years of undergraduate study remaining after the Institute finishes (apply as a sophomore)
- Have had no or very little study/travel experience outside of North America
When: deadline is typically early February, shortlisted candidates are interviewed in mid-April
Fulbright U.S Student Program
Grants to conduct research or complete a creative project, enroll in graduate school, or serve as an English Teaching Assistant in countries around the world.
- U.S. Citizens
- Obtained bachelor’s degree by grant start (current seniors or alumni)
- Meet language requirements of your award
- *please check the detailed award description for complete eligibility
When: campus deadline and interviews are in late July-August; national deadline is typically early October
*Institutional endorsement is required to apply for this award. Contact
Gilman Scholarship Program
Up to $5,000 with potential for additional funding through Critical Need Language Award and STEM award for Pell-eligible students to use toward credit-bearing education abroad programs (consult ETSU's Education Abroad Office).
- U.S. Citizen
- Currently enrolled undergraduate student
- No minimum GPA
- Receiving federal Pell-grant
- Applying or accepted to a credit-bearing education abroad program in a country with a Travel Advisory Level of 1 or 2
When: deadline in October for programs taking place in Winter or Spring; deadline in March for programs taking place in Summer or Fall
Gilman-McCain Scholarship
Awards of $5,000 for child and spousal dependents of active or activated United States military personnel who are receiving Title IV financial aid to use toward credit-bearing education abroad programs (consult ETSU's Education Abroad Office).
- U.S. Citizen
- Currently enrolled undergraduate student
- Dependent of active or activated U.S. military personnel
- Receiving Title IV financial aid
- Applying or accepted to a credit-bearing education abroad program in a country with a Travel Advisory Level of 1 or 2
When: deadline in August for programs taking place in Winter or Spring; deadline in March for programs taking place in Summer or Fall
Humanity in Action Fellowship
3-week overseas program focused on social justice, human rights, remembrance culture, and civic engagement followed by a year of implementing a community-based Action Project.
- Currently enrolled sophomores, juniors, seniors, or recent graduates
- Enrolled in a U.S. institution; U.S. citizenship is not required
When: deadline is typically in February, finalist interviews are in March
Japan Exchange and Teaching Program
Paid year-long placement to serve as an Assistant Language Teacher in various settings in Japan.
- U.S. Citizen
- Hold at least a bachelor’s degree by summer preceding program start (apply during senior year or as an alum)
- Ability to adapt to living and work conditions in Japan as these could be significantly different compared to your home country
- Have an interest in maintaining some type of relations with Japan
When: deadline is typically in early November, finalist interviews are in late January to early February
Princeton in Africa
Year-long fellowship in Africa in various sectors including advocacy, education and youth capacity building, business and economic development, public health, etc. dedicated to developing life-long connections for the well-being of Africa.
- Obtained bachelor’s degree by program start (current senior or recent graduate)
- English fluency; professional French fluency preferred at some posts
When: deadline is typically in October, finalist interviews are in January
Princeton in Asia
One- or two-year immersive work placements at host organizations in Asia centering on education, public health, economic development, and other fields.
- Obtained bachelor’s degree by program start (current seniors or recent graduates)
- English fluency; Asian language skills are welcomed but not required
When: deadline is typically in November, finalist interviews are in January
Princeton in Latin America
Year-long service fellowships with nonprofit, public service, humanitarian, and government organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean.
- Seniors and recent graduates (obtain bachelor’s degree by program start)
- Graduate of U.S. or Canadian university
- Professional/ advanced Spanish language skills
When: deadline is typically late November, finalist interviews are in January to February
Project Horseshoe Farm Community Health Fellowship
Year-long fellowship focused on building citizen service leaders who contribute to community health at 1 of 3 sites in the U.S: Greensboro, AL; Marion, AL; and Pomona, CA. *Please note this is described as an intensive year of service with minimal downtime.
- College seniors and recent graduates
Udall Undergraduate Scholarship: Environment
Scholarship up to $7,000 to support future leaders in conservation, environmental stewardship or environmental policy.
- College sophomore or junior
- Commitment to working towards positive solutions to environmental challenges or issues impacting Indian country
- Demonstrated interest in this public service field
When: national deadline is typically early March
*Institutional endorsement is required to apply for this award. Please contact
Udall Undergraduate Scholarship: Tribal Policy and Native Health Care
Scholarship up to $7,000 to support future leaders in tribal policy and native health care.
- College sophomore or junior
- Identify as a Native American or Alaska Native
- Demonstrated your commitment to Indian country through participation in cultural activities and service to your community
- Committed to a career that will enable you to make a difference through policy or health care for your tribe or for Native Americans and Alaska Natives
When: national deadline is typically early March
*Institutional endorsement is required to apply for this award. Please contact
Washington Program at the Institute for Responsible Citizenship
An intensive two-summer program that includes high-level internships in students’ fields of interest, a rigorous academic seminar, professional development workshops, private meetings with public and private sector leaders, and a variety of social activities for the best and brightest African American male college students.
- Apply as a sophomore
- No minimum GPA, but strong academic record required
- Involved on campus
When: deadline is typically early January
Leadership & Public Service
Harry S. Truman Scholarship
Up to $30,000 toward graduate school, Truman Scholars Leadership Week, Summer Institute in Washington, D.C., and additional professional development and mentorship.
- U.S. Citizens
- Currently enrolled undergraduate students in their junior year (penultimate year if graduating in 4+ years, or final year if graduating in 3 years or fewer)
- Planning to attend graduate school in pursuit of a career in public service (will not fund an MBA)
When: internal deadline TBD, national deadline is typically early February
*Institutional endorsement is required for this award. Please contact
Payne International Development Fellowship
Significant funding toward 2 years of graduate school education in international development or another area relevant to foreign service, 2 summer internships, and a 5-year appointment as a USAID Foreign Service Officer.
- U.S. Citizen
- 18-55 years old
- Obtained bachelor’s degree, apply as a senior or college graduate
- GPA 3.2+
When: deadline is typically in late October
Pickering Foreign Affairs Graduate Fellowship Program
Significant funding toward 2 years of graduate school education in area relevant to foreign service, 2 summer internships, and appointment to the State Department Foreign Service with a 5-year minimum service obligation.
- Be a U.S. citizen.
- GPA 3.2+
- Seek admission to a two-year, full-time, on-campus, master’s degree program at a U.S.-based graduate institution in an academic field relevant to the work of the Foreign Service (public policy, international affairs, public administration, business, economics, political science, management science, organizational development/leadership, sociology, or regional studies).
When: deadline is typically late September
Public Policy and International Affairs Program (PPIA)
Participation in Junior Summer Institute, a fully funded graduate school prep program, for future public policy leaders.
- Currently enrolled college juniors
- Committed to pursuing a Master’s degree in public policy and/ or international affairs at a PPIA consortium graduate school
When: deadline is typically early November
Rangel International Affairs Graduate Fellowship
Significant funding toward 2 years of graduate school education in area relevant to foreign service, 2 summer internships, and appointment to the State Department Foreign Service with a 5-year minimum service obligation.
- Be a U.S. citizen.
- GPA 3.2+
- Seek admission to a two-year master’s degree program in public administration, public policy, international relations, business administration, economics, history, political science, communications, or foreign languages at a graduate or professional school approved by the Rangel Program
When: deadline is typically late September
Voyager Scholarship for Public Service
A two-year, leadership development and scholarship program that offers substantial financial aid, mentorship and networking, and the opportunity to design your Summer Voyage: an immersive work travel experience in your field of public service.
- Apply as a sophomore (must have 2 years of undergraduate studies remaining before graduation)
- GPA 3.0+
- Demonstrate financial need
- Commitment to public service and plans to pursue a career in public service
- Be United States (US) citizens, US permanent residents (holders of a Permanent Resident Card), or individuals granted deferred action status under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program (DACA)
When: deadline is typically late March
Research & STEM
Amgen Scholars Program
Summer hands-on research experience focused on biomedical and biotechnology enterprises at 1 of 14 premier institutions in the U.S culminating in a symposium to demonstrate your projects and network with peers and leading scientists.
- U.S. citizens or U.S. permanent residents;
- Undergraduate students enrolled in accredited four-year colleges or universities in the United States, Puerto Rico or other U.S. territories; and
- Sophomores (with four quarters or three semesters of college experience), juniors or non-graduating seniors (who are returning in the fall to continue undergraduate studies)
- GPA 3.2+
- An interest in pursuing a Ph.D. or M.D.-Ph.D
When: deadline is typically early February
DAAD RISE Internships
3-month summer research internship at a top German university or institute including a monthly stipend and housing.
- Currently enrolled undergraduates who will have completed two academic years by the time of the internship and will maintain undergraduate status post-internship
- Enrolled at a university in the United States, Canada, the UK or Ireland as undergraduate student in the field of biology, chemistry, computer science, physics, earth sciences or engineering
When: deadline is typically mid-December
Goldwater Scholarship
Scholarship of up to $7,500 per academic year to support college sophomores and juniors who show exceptional promise of becoming this Nation’s next generation of research leaders in the natural sciences, engineering, and mathematics.
- Currently enrolled sophomore or junior
- Intend to pursue a research career in a natural science, mathematics or engineering
- Minimum 3.0 GPA (3.3+ to be competitive)
- U.S. Citizen or permanent resident
- *Previous research experience preferred
When: internal deadlines will be staggered throughout the fall semester, national deadline is the last Friday in January
*Institutional endorsement is required to apply for this award. Please contact
NOAA Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship
10-week paid summer internship experience in NOAA-related science, research, technology, policy, management, and education activities, as well as up to $9,500 of academic assistance per year for two-years of full-time study.
- U.S. Citizen
- Currently enrolled undergraduate as either:
- a full-time 2nd year student in a four-year undergraduate program
- a full-time 3rd year student in a five-year undergraduate program
- a community college or transfer student who is applying to a four-year institution
- Minimum 3.0 GPA
- Have and maintain a declared major in a discipline including, but not limited to: oceanic, environmental, biological, and atmospheric sciences, mathematics, engineering, remote sensing technology, computer and information science, physical and social sciences including geography, physics, hydrology, geomatics, or teacher education that support NOAA's programs and mission
When: deadline is typically in late January
National Institutes of Health Undergraduate Scholarship Program
Scholarship of up to $20,000 per academic year (can be renewed up to 4 years) for students from disadvantaged backgrounds who are committed to careers in biomedical, behavioral, and social science research. In exchange, scholars commit to two paid service obligations: a 10-week full-time summer internship at the NIH and one year of full-time work at the NIH post-graduation.
- Be enrolled or accepted for enrollment as a full-time undergraduate student at an accredited four-year college or university.
- Have a grade point average of 3.3 or greater on a 4.0-point scale, or rank within the top five percent of your class.
- Demonstrate exceptional financial need certified by your undergraduate institution’s financial aid office.
- Pass federal background check
When: national deadline is typically in spring, finalist interviews are in mid-July
SMART Scholarship for Service Program
A combined educational and workforce development opportunity for STEM students. SMART offers scholarships for undergraduate, master's, and doctoral students pursuing a STEM degree. Scholarship recipients receive full tuition, annual stipends, internships, and guaranteed employment with the Department of Defense after graduation.
- Pursuing one of 24 eligible STEM disciplines
- U.S. Citizen
- 18+ by January 1, 2025
- GPA 3.0+ (average is 3.74)
- Be requesting 1-5 years of degree funding
- Complete summer internships
- Accept a one-for-one post graduation service commitment as a civilian employee of the Department of Defense
- Maintain security clearance for Department of Defense
When: deadline is typically in December
Graduate School Funding
(Note: to be planned during junior year of undergrad)
DAAD Scholarships
Plethora of funding opportunities for study and research at the post-graduate level in German universities and institutions.
- Must have obtained bachelor’s degree (apply as senior or alum)
- Citizenship to the country you are applying from
- Proficiency in your project or program’s language of instruction
When: deadline is typically in late October
Gates-Cambridge Scholarship
Fully funded postgraduate degree in any subject at the University of Cambridge with the mission of building a network of global leaders committed to improving the lives of others. (2/3 of awards will be offered to PhD students; 25 awards are available in the U.S.)
- Citizen of any country outside the UK
- Pursue one of the following at the University of Cambridge:
- PhD (full time or part time)
- MLitt (full-time)
- One-year postgraduate course (full-time) *with some exceptions
When: deadline is typically mid-October
Knight-Hennessy Scholars
Up to three years of funding to pursue graduate studies at Stanford as well as participation in the King Global Leadership Program.
- Admission to a full-time Stanford graduate degree program
- Obtained bachelor’s degree in January 2018 or later
When: deadline is typically early October
Marshall Scholarship
One- or two-year scholarship funding graduate study at any university in the UK to strengthen UK and US relations and promote global leadership.
- U.S. Citizens
- Obtained bachelor’s degree (apply as senior or alumni)
- GPA 3.7+
- Not have studied for or hold degree from a British University
When: national deadline is typically late September
*Institutional endorsement is required to apply for this award. Please contact
Rhodes Scholarship
Fully funded, full time, postgraduate award for study at the University of Oxford, recognizing the most talented students across the globe. The Character, Service, and Leadership program is also a core component of the scholar experience.
- Citizenship of eligible country (see here for constituency information)
- Obtained bachelor’s degree (apply as senior or alumni)
- Under 27
- GPA 3.7+
When: deadline is typically early October
*Institutional endorsement is required to apply for this award. Please contact
The awards listed above are with organizations not affiliated with ETSU. ETSU is not accountable for the decisions or actions of these organizations.