University Partners
Adam Mickiewicz University (Poland)
American College of Greece (Greece)
Located in Athens, Greece, the American College of Greece is an ESTU bilateral exchange partner for primarily undergraduate students. On average about ten to twelve ETSU students study at ACG each academic year. -
American University Rome (Italy)
Anglo American University (Czech Republic)
Chuo University (Japan)
Ewha University (South Korea)
Harlaxton College (England)
Located in Grantham, England, Harlaxton College is owned and operated by the University of Evansville (Indiana). ETSU's partnership with Harlaxton College focuses primarily on direct enrollment programs for students, faculty-led customized programs, and ETSU faculty instruction opportunities. Main website: Press release about Dr. Luffman at Harlaxton. -
Kansai Gadai (Japan)
Keimyung University (South Korea)
Kisii University (Kenya)
University of Agder (Norway)
University of Cordoba (Spain)
University of Limerick (Ireland)
University of Rostock (Germany)
University of San Francisco de Quito (Ecuador)
Located in Cumbaya, just east of Quito, USFQ provides ETSU students opportunities for direct enrollment programs and research opportunities as well as provides faculty opportunities to develop custom study abroad program in Quito, in the Amazon, and in the Galapagos Islands. Main website: -
University of Santa Paula (Costa Rica)
University of Sunshine Coast (Australia)
University of Waikato (New Zealand)
University of the West of Scotland (Scotland)