The following laboratory facilities are available for potential collaborators both
within and external to ETSU. These facilities can support and seek contract work from
business and industry. Please contact the Research Foundation if you are interested
in doing contract work with any of the college facilities listed below.
Arts & Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences
The Department of Chemistry at ETSU offers expertise in all major areas of chemistry including computational chemistry. It also provides analytical services to other departments at ETSU as well as to the industry in our community. The analytical instruments in the department enable us to analyze a wide range of chemical compounds in different matrices such as water, gasoline, agricultural crops, etc. The instruments in the department include Atomic Absorption spectrometer, FTIR, HPLC, GPC, GC/MS, GC/FID, UV-VIS, and a 400 MHz NMR spectrometer with multinuclear capabilities. We are able to handle short and long term projects. The cost of analysis varies with the request. For long term projects there will be a flat charge depending on the analysis type. Both inorganic and organic compounds are analyzed and characterized by experienced personnel and faculty members in the chemistry department.
Business & Technology
College of Business and Technology
The Department of Technology has a communication and instrumentation laboratory. This
lab is set up to support class experiments and local industry. Some of the equipment
used in the lab consist of the following: Fluke 199C(x2) 2.5 Giga-samples/sec color
DSO, Avcom 0-6GHz spectrum analyzer, Ramsey RSG-1000B RF Generator 0-10GHz (variable
modulation, 0.1 PPM time base), Fluke PM6304 RCL meter, Berkley Nucleonics arbitrary
waveform generator (0.1 PPM ref.), Keithly 2701 (x2) data acquisition system (Ethernet/Webactive)
500 channel capacity, Fluke 744 documenting process calibrator, Fluke 700 series laboratory
pressure sensor reference standards, RN Electronics comb generator 0-1GHz. Much of
this equipment is portable and can be used off site to support program activities.
The Department also has a Dimension printing rapid prototyper capable of taking 3D
computer generated models and turning them into ABS plastic prototypes. The maximum
model size is 8” by 8” by 12” with a resolution of 0.010 inches. Several CNC machines
are also available to support product development. As an example the department has
an AXYZ automation CNC table with a working area of 4’ by 10’ by 10” with an overall
accuracy of 0.008 inches.
Quillen College of Medicine
The Electron Microscopy Core Facility provides services related to electron microscopy including in ultrastructural techniques when needed. The primary premise behind the facility is that state-of-the-art morphological data are an essential component of modern research efforts. The facility is located in the Pathology Department. Equipment includes: (1) Philips Tecnai 10 transmission electron microscope (TEM) with computer driven digital image recording capability and microscope operation; (2) Phil lips 201 TEM; (3) several current and older models of ultramicrotomes (Ultracut, LKB, etc.); (4) routine embedding, darkroom, and metal shadowing facilities; (5) Zeiss DSM 940 scanning electron microscope with X-ray analysis capabilities (Building 178); (6) several critical point dryers and sputter coaters. The facility director and a part-time technician provide support in using the facility. To partially offset service and operational expenses, modest fees are charged for facility use, but small grants for limited, short-term, free use of the facility are offered to familiarize researchers with TEM and SEM applications in their research and to encourage inclusion of ultrastructural costs in their grant applications.
The Molecular Biology Core Facility provides services that include DNA sequencing,
high through-put processing of RNA, Plasmid DNA and PCR clean-up, phophorimaging,
and quantitative PCR. Equipment includes an ABI 377 automated DNA sequencer, a Beckman
Biomek 2000 robotic liquid handler, a BioRad FX phosphorimaging machine, a BioRad
iCycler quantitative PCR machine, a MacConnell Mini-24 automated plasmid prep machine,
an Eppendorf gradient PCR machine, a MJ research in situ PCR machine, an Eppendorf
Spin vac, an Eppendorf desktop centrifuge (plate spinner), two Eppendorf microfuges
and an Eppenddorf BioPhotometer. Software includes a site license for Vector NTI and
two copies of Quantitation One. Training and technical assistance is provided by the
director and staff.
The Biomolecular Interaction Analysis (BIA) Facility is housed within the Department
of Surgery and was established in 1998 with funds from an NIH S10 equipment grant.
The heart of the BIA Facility is a BIAcore 2000 spectrometer that combines surface
plasmon resonance with automated microfluidics to examine the interactions of biomolecules.
Dr. Peter Rice a faculty member in the Department of Pharmacology is the Director.
The facility is supported entirely by extramural grant funds. At present, there are
three primary users working on projects related to three NIH grants and one AHA grant.
Prior to this year the instrument was also used by a VA funded investigator. Approximately
80% of the instrument time is committed to funded projects. The remaining time is
used or available to be used for obtaining preliminary data for grant submissions.
Dr. Rice has been approached by two other funded investigators who also wish to begin
using the facility. If the present trend continues, the machine will be maximally
utilized within six months to a year.
Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope Facility is located in the Department of Pharmacology
and serves investigators from six basic science and clinical departments. The main
component of the facility is a state-of-the-art Leica TCS SP II confocal microscope
system. It was purchased from a grant provided by the NIH National Center of Research
The Luminex LabMAP 100 cytometer system is available through the Department of Pediatrics.
It is an automated immunoassay analyzer that can quantify the concentrations of various
bioactive substances in precious, clinical and basic science biological specimens.
The Luminex 100 system has the ability to quantify up to 100 different analytes, simultaneously
in a single well from as little as 50 µl of sample. This instrument will be useful
for both clinical and basic research. There are several FDA-approved assays available
and many more in the product pipeline that are nearing approval. Furthermore, there
are numerous cytokine assays available that allow the measurement of up to 17 cytokines
from a single 50 µl mouse, rat or human sample. Dr. Kevin Breuel oversees use and
training on this machine.
The Psychiatry Core Research Facility houses a networked computer group with a wide
variety of software for desktop publishing, scientific data analysis and psychological
testing. Laboratory equipment includes: tissue culture incubator with clean bench,
immunoanalysis (ELISA, Western blotting) equipment, tissue preparation equipment,
Ultracold storage, chemistry benches/ supplies (with chemical hood), molecular biology
equipment (personal PCR) & DNA/RNA isolation/manipulation equipment. Users include
members of the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology.
A Flow Cytometer is available in the Department of Microbiology. It is a Becton Dickinson
FACSCalibur instrument that was purchased in 2002. It is a dual laser, 4 color instrument.
It is a fully integrated, multiparameter system specifically designed for a wide range
of biomedical applications. The FACSCalibur is located in Rm. 3-11 in Bldg. 119. The
flow cytometry facility is currently managed by Elizabeth Adams, Ph.D, a postdoctoral
fellow in the Department of Surgery. Dr. Adams maintains the instrument and provides
training for new users. At present, the facility is primarily utilized by four investigators
working on three NIH funded projects.
The Division of Laboratory Animal Resources (DLAR) maintains an AAALAC accredited
laboratory animal facility and program. Two laboratory animal facilities are supervised
by the DLAR staff and currently provide adequate space for housing and maintaining
large (dogs and pigs) and small animals (guinea pigs, hamsters, mice and rats). All
full-time DLAR technicians are certified by the American Association for Laboratory
Animal Sciences. DLAR staff provide training in handling of animals, administration
of anesthetics, post-surgical maintenance of animals, bleeding techniques, euthanasia
and other standard procedures. DLAR staff also will assist in restraint of animals,
induction and maintenance of anesthesia, experimental surgery, pre- and postoperative
care, blood and tissue collection and injections. A sterile surgery is available in
the Department of Surgery and must be scheduled through that department. An x-ray
facility is maintained within the DLAR space and DLAR staff assist in using this instrument.
The ETSU Toxicology Laboratory is housed in the Section of Toxicology in the Department
of Pharmacolgy. The ETSU Toxicology Laboratory maintains the following Licenses and
Certifications: Federal License (HHS-CLIA) # 44D0659142; Tennessee License #2048;
Medicare and Medicaid Provider #44-8087. It also maintains the following Proficiency
Testing Programs: American Association of Bioanalysts; College of American Pathologists
; Federal Aviation Administration. The Toxicology Laboratory is equipped to do quantitative
and qualitative analyses for a variety of compounds in blood and other tissues, as
well as urine using gas/liquid chromatography, immunoassay, thin layer chromatography,
as well as fluorescence, color and ultraviolet analysis. It is affiliated with the
Upper East Tennessee Forensic Center and performs toxicology assays for over 250 autopsy
cases each year.
Public Health
College of Public Health
The Environmental Health Sciences Laboratory is housed in the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety Sciences. The EHSL provides routine biological and chemical water, soil and air analyses for individuals, industries and local governments. Typical projects conducted by the EHSL include effluent toxicity tests, chemical and biological surveys of aquatic ecosystems, and indoor biological air surveys. Equipment available includes; atomic absorption spectrophotometer (Varian Spectra AA-20) with graphite furnace (GTA-96), two gas chromatographs with flame ionization and electron capture detectors (Varian 3700 series attached to the Waters SIM and 820 data capture system and Perkin-Elmer Autosystem GC), high performance liquid chromatograph (Waters equipped with a WISP 712 autosampler, model 486 Tunable Absorbance Detector, two model 501 HPLC pumps, a Waters SIM interfaced to the model 820 Baseline data capture system), SRI Model 8610 gas chromatograph with purge and trap and photoionozation and electron capture detectors, liquid scintillation counter with computerized data capture (Packard Tri-carb model 1500), two UV-vis Spectrophotometers (Milton Roy, Spectronic Genesys 5), fluorometer (Turner), one fluorescent microscope (Olympus), two phase contrast microscopes (Olympus) dissecting scopes, pH meters, centrifuges of all needed types, oxygen meters, conductivity meters, and many other instruments necessary for environmental analyses.