The ETSU Research Corporation formed to connect, convene and create world-class research and innovation at the speed of business. We are a beacon for amplifying research, art, innovation, workforce development and entrepreneurialism as well as regional development through collaboration and partnerships.
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East Tennessee State University, with the approval of the Tennessee Board of Regents, incorporated the East Tennessee State University Research Foundation (DBA "Research Corporation") as a not-for-profit within the State of Tennessee in July 2002. It was granted 501(c)(3) status by the IRS in July 2003. The RF officially became known as the ETSU Research Corporation in January 2021. The principal mission of the Research Corporation is to support research, scholarly and artistic activities at ETSU. It is the administrative and fiduciary entity for the ETSU Innovation Laboratory, manages ETSU intellectual property, and accepts and administers selected contracts and grants from private industry, foundations and other non-governmental agencies.