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Syllabus Attachment Information:
- ETSU Safety
- ETSU Safety App
- Important Dates
- ETSU Divisive Concepts Syllabus Statement
- Diversity Statement
- Academic Integrity and Misconduct
- Discrimination and Harassment
- Student Rights and Freedoms
- Prerequisites
- Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
- Permits and Overrides
- Class Attendance
- Where to go for help?
- Sexual Misconduct/Title IX Statement
- Technical Resources
- ETSU COVID Response
Please refer to the Academic Calendar for specific drop/add, refund, and withdrawal dates.
Campus Safety
East Tennessee State University is dedicated to creating a safe and healthy environment for all students, faculty, staff, and visitors by fostering a strong culture of safety that extends beyond mere compliance with regulations. All members of the ETSU community play a crucial role in this shared responsibility by adhering to high standards of safety and occupational health. ETSU provides essential safety education to help us all practice safe behaviors and minimize risks. You are encouraged to report any issue, without fear, ensuring a supportive environment for everyone. We are committed to addressing safety concerns promptly and collaboratively, involving students, faculty, and staff in identifying issues and developing solutions. As Buccaneers, we can make safety a priority and contribute to a positive, productive campus community.
Emergency Management - Faculty Emergency Guide / Emergency Training / Campus Emergency Plan / Building Safety
ETSU Police - Reporting Crimes, Assaults / Cleary Act / Reports and Information
Safe Voyage Shuttle/Escort - Student Safety Services
ETSU Divisive Concepts Syllabus Statement
This statement was reviewed by the Office of the Provost and University Legal Counsel.
At ETSU, we believe and are committed to the idea that the free and full exchange of ideas and perspectives is central to the educational enterprise. We are also committed to encouraging all people, including students, to be exposed to, and think critically about, sensitive topics and issues. This is an essential element of higher education and necessary to better prepare students for community participation and robust civic engagement. As such, please be aware that your class content may include curricular materials on concepts including, but not limited to, racism, sexism, and classism; while students are expected to master course content, it is not expected that students endorse or subscribe to any theory or viewpoint.
Diversity Statement
East Tennessee State University recognizes that the pursuit of knowledge and understanding is enriched by an environment in which people of diverse backgrounds learn together and from each other, and participate in free and genuine exchange of views. It recognizes that all members of the University community benefit from diversity and that the quality of learning, research, scholarship and creative activities is enhanced by a campus climate of inclusion, understanding, and appreciation of differences and the full range of human experience. ETSU must prepare students to function successfully in a diverse society. A university diverse in its people, curricula, scholarship, research, and creative activities expands opportunities for intellectual inquiry and engagement, helps students develop critical thinking skills, and prepares students for social and civic responsibilities.
ETSU aspires to be an institution that celebrates diversity by welcoming all students, faculty, administrators and staff as respected and valued participants in the University's educational mission. Therefore, ETSU welcomes people of different races, ethnicity's, religions, creeds, national origins, genders, sexual orientations, physical abilities, ages, veteran status, and social, economic, or educational backgrounds. ETSU is particularly committed to welcoming groups that have been traditionally underrepresented or excluded. The University also supports and encourages the promotion of diversity in its curricula, programs, faculty research, scholarship, and creative activities.
Academic Integrity and Misconduct
ETSU Policy: Academic Integrity and Misconduct
Students are expected to abide by the ETSU Honor Code and to act with honor, integrity, and civility in all matters. The course instructor has the primary responsibility for maintenance of academic integrity. Students guilty of academic misconduct, either directly or indirectly, through participation or assistance, are immediately responsible to the course instructor. Any form of academic misconduct (plagiarism, cheating, etc.) is subject to disciplinary action. Sanctions for a violation may vary with the severity of the offense. The instructor may reduce a grade up to and including assignment of an “F” or a zero (“0”) for the exercise/examination or an “F” in the course. If a sanction is imposed then the instructor must begin the academic misconduct procedures and notify both the student and the Dean/Designee. Students may appeal a grade assignment associated with a finding of academic misconduct, as distinct from a student disciplinary or grade appeals process, through the University’s Academic Misconduct Procedures. The student will not be subjected to any form of pressure to coerce admission of guilt or information about his/her conduct or that of others.
Honor Code
East Tennessee State University is committed to developing the intellect and ethical behavior of its students. Students found to be in violation of policies on plagiarism, cheating, and/or fabrication will be held accountable for their actions. Any knowledge of academic misconduct should be reported. Students are expected to act with honesty, integrity, and civility in all matters.
Discrimination and Harassment
ETSU prohibits and seeks to eliminate all forms of discrimination and harassment based on a protected class in education programs and activities and employment. ETSU employees, students, and third parties can report discrimination or harassment without fear of adverse consequences and the university will be responsive to reports.
Student Rights and Freedoms
ETSU Policy: Student Rights and Freedoms
I. Preamble
a. Academic institutions exist for the transmission of knowledge, the pursuit of truth,
the development of students, and the general well-being of society. Free inquiry and
free expression are indispensable to the attainment of these goals. As members of
the academic community, students should be encouraged to develop the capacity for
critical judgment and to engage in a sustained and independent search for truth. Institutional
procedures for achieving these purposes may vary from campus to campus, but the minimal
standards of academic freedom of students outlined below are essential to any community
of scholars.
b. Freedom to teach and freedom to learn are inseparable facets of academic freedom.
The freedom to learn depends upon appropriate opportunities and conditions in the
classroom, on the campus, and in the larger community. Students should exercise their
freedom with responsibility.
c. The responsibility to secure and to respect general conditions conducive to the
freedom to learn is shared by all members of the academic community. Tennessee Board
of Regents institutions have developed policies and procedures which provide and safeguard
this freedom. The purpose of this statement is to enumerate the essential provisions
for students’ freedom to learn.
II. Freedom of Access to Higher Education
The admissions policies of East Tennessee State University make clear the characteristics and expectations of students which it considers relevant to success in the institution’s program. Under no circumstances should a student be barred from admission to a particular program on the basis of any category or class protected under state and/or federal law.
III. In the Classroom
The professor in the classroom and in conference should encourage free discussion, inquiry, and expression. Student performance should be evaluated solely on an academic basis, not on opinions or conduct in matters unrelated to academic standards.
IV. Protection of Freedom of Expression Students should be free to take reasoned exception to the data or views offered in any course of study and to reserve judgment about matters of opinion but they are responsible for learning the content of any course of study for which they are enrolled.
Many courses require prerequisites or special approval of the instructor prior to registration. Students should verify they meet the requirements for course registration in the university undergraduate or graduate catalog. Failure to comply with the stated prerequisites may result in the student being withdrawn from a course.
Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
It is the policy of ETSU to accommodate students with disabilities, pursuant to federal law, state law and the University's commitment to equal educational opportunities. Any student with a disability who needs accommodations, for example, note taking assistance, exam time adjustment or seating placement, should meet with Disability Services. Faculty accommodation forms are provided to eligible students and should be shared with the instructor as early in the semester as possible. Disability Services can be reached via telephone at 439-8346, or web at
Permits and Overrides
A student may add courses with special permission in the form of an electronic permit if the courses have reached the established maximum enrollment. To add any class that has reached the enrollment limit requires permission of the instructor and department chair. After the registration/late add period, special permission in the form of a hard copy late add form and an electronic permit must be obtained from the instructor, the department chair, the dean and the registrar. Students may view permits on GoldLink under Registration Status.
Class Attendance
Class attendance and punctuality requirements are established by the faculty in the printed syllabus for each course. Students are expected to attend classes regularly and on time and are responsible for giving explanations/rationale for absences and lateness directly to the faculty member for each course in which they are enrolled. In cases where student absences are the result of emergency circumstances (e.g., death in the family, a student’s serious injury or incapacitating illness), for which students are unable to make immediate contact with faculty, the student may contact the Office of Student Affairs for assistance in providing such immediate notification to faculty. However, the student remains responsible for verifying the emergency circumstances to faculty and for discussing arrangements with faculty for completion of coursework requirements. Both give guidance and clarification to both students and faculty on matters of classroom conduct and attendance requirements.
Where to go for help?
The Dean of Students office webpage offers a broad array of resources and supports that students may review and access.
The Dean of Students office works closely with the Undergraduate Student Success Specialist (423-439-8777). Need assistance with obstacles you may be having in day to day life? The Undergraduate Student Success Specialist will work with you to help resolve problems and provide support by identifying resources on campus and in the community. Contact the USSS via email at, by phone at 439-8777.
Student Support Services is a federally funded TRiO program that provides tutoring, academic advising, personal and career counseling, peer career mentoring, and job shadowing to eligible students. Call 439-5396 or visit for more information and eligibility requirements.
Financial Aid and Scholarships (423-439-4300) coordinates most of the academic and need based scholarships. The office provides information and scholarship applications for ETSU scholarships and serves as a resource for external scholarship information. Visit our website at
Center for Academic Achievement (423-439-7111) Located on the first floor of the Sherrod Library, the Learning Services is the place to go for help with writing and speaking, library research, core math and science courses, and other subjects. the center offers tutoring on a walk-in and appointment basis and is open during library hours, including nights and weekends. Call 439-7111 or go to for more information.
ETSU Cares
As a student, you may experience a range of personal issues that can create barriers to learning. The source of your difficulties may be directly related to your course work; if so, please speak with me. Also know that ETSU offers a variety of resources to support students in distress. We welcome and encourage students to contact the following resources for assistance and/or more information:
Counseling Center ( (423-439-3333)
Dean of Students ( (423-439-5377)
If you are experiencing heightened feelings of hopelessness, thoughts of harm, or thoughts of suicide, crisis resources are also available by contacting:
BucsPress2 (24/7 mental health helpline) (423-439-4841, press 2)
Public Safety ( (423-439-4480 OR Call 911)
Suicide and Crisis Lifeline Call or Text
ETSU Safety App
Sexual Misconduct/Title IX Statement
East Tennessee State University is committed to fostering a safe learning environment. Sexual misconduct and/or gender-based discrimination of any kind is prohibited. ETSU investigates cases of sexual misconduct (including, but not limited to sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking) and may take steps to protect the parties involved from harassment, retaliation, or negative impacts from the incident or complaint.
Complaints may be made directly to ETSU’s Title IX Coordinator, Garrison Burton, via email, or phone at 423-439-8544, or by filing a Report of Discrimination, Harassment and/or Retaliation. All sexual misconduct complaints are handled by the Office of Compliance.
If you wish to speak confidentially about an incident of sexual misconduct, contact the ETSU Counseling Center at 423-439-3333. After hours calls may be directed to Bucs Press 2 by dialing the same number and then “pressing 2.” ETSU encourages anyone who has experienced sexual misconduct to talk to someone about what happened so they can get the support they need.
If you would like to learn more about sexual misconduct or how to report an incident please visit: or
To review the ETSU Student Sexual Misconduct policy please visit:
Technical Resources
Help Desk
The Information Technology Services (ITS) Help Desk is the best resource for most
technical problems. Find answers to common questions on the Help Desk website, call,
email, or stop in to see them on the first floor of the Sherrod Library. Phone: 423-439-4648
Desire2Learn (D2L) Online Help
Many answers to D2L related questions can be found on the D2L Help Student Home. If
you are still having trouble finding what you need, contact the Help Desk.
Microsoft Office Software
Microsoft Office productivity applications, including Word, PowerPoint, Excel, OneNote,
and more, are available free for students through the University’s Office 365 campus
agreement. For instructions on how to obtain the software, see the Office 365 page
of the ITS Help Desk website.
Turnitin Plagiarism Detection
Turnitin is a plagiarism detection service available to students and faculty at ETSU.
This tool compares student written work against a comprehensive database of other
work as well as various internet sources. Faculty may employ this service for some
or all written assignments, in order to help students learn to cite sources accurately
and to ensure academic integrity. Learn more on the Turnitin home page.
ETSU Technical Resources
Many other technical resources can be found on the Online Help webpage.
Suggested Syllabus Statement
ETSU continues to follow the coronavirus pandemic closely and adjusts their policies
in accordance with current CDC guideline. For the most up-to-date information, please
visit the Bucs are Back page at