Careers in Medicine (CiM) is a program initiated by the Association of American Colleges (AAMC) to assist medical student in the career planning process. It is designed to help medical students choose a specialty as well as to select and apply to residency programs.
This three phase process will guide you through the elements of career planning, including self-understanding, exploring a variety of medical careers and finally chossing a specialty to meet your career objectives.
CiM Can Help You:
- Learn about making a good specialty choice through informative articles and useful tools.
- Complete online self-assessments to help identify your values, interests, skills, personality and practice needs.
- Maintain your assessment results in a secure, confidential personal profile.
- Review extensive career information for over 100 specialities through CiM specialty pages.
- Access decision-making tools designed to help you select a specialty to residency programs.
- View timelines, sample CV's and residency interview questions to help you in applying to residency programs.
As a compliemnt to CiM, the QCOM Career Exploration program guides you through each year's activities and your participation in student interest group (SIG) meetings, lunch and learn sessions and one-on-one meetings and small group sessions with advisiors.
Students will receive additional information at the start of each academic year through the course management system D2L.