Growing Stronger Together is a weekly podcast for people who care about children and families. The series was developed by faculty at East Tennessee State University, including members of the ETSU Health Department of Pediatrics, the ETSU Center for Early Childhood Learning and Development, and the ETSU Child and Family Health Institute.
Financial support for Growing Stronger Together is provided through a Community Health Improvement Site Investment from Ballad Health’s Department of Population Health and through competitive funding from Tennessee Department of Health's Maternal Mortality Prevention program.
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Continuing Education Credit offered for select podcasts
First listen to a podcast on one of the above services. Then, from the ETSU CloudCME
Website select Online Courses.Select Growing Stronger Together Podcast under Curriculum in the left-hand navigation
and select Find Courses. Click on Details and then click Content & Tests. Click Post
Test, complete & check your answer, click Finish Test, and click complete evaluation.
You must complete and submit the evaluation questions to receive your certificate.
*Currently not all GST podcasts offer Continuing Education Credits.

Family Fridays
Kim Hale, PhD, is Director of the ETSU Center of Excellence for Early Childhood Learning and Development.
Teens on Tuesdays
Will Dodd, MD, is a ETSU Health Pediatrician, Internal Medicine Specialist, and Associate Professor.
Moms on Mondays
Karen Schetzina, MD, MPH, FAAP, is an ETSU Health Pediatrician and Director of the ETSU Child and Family Health Institute.