Learn about our Program Faculty
Program faculty have established relationships with teaching sites that currently include:

Joyce Troxler, MD
Program Director
Specialization: Addiction Medicine, Family Medicine
Graduate Medical Education: Mountain Area Health Education Center, Asheville, NC
Dr. Troxler provides care for patients with SUD in both the inpatient and clinic setting. She is Board Certified in ABMS for Family Medicine and Addiction Medicine.

Kamran Hayel-Moghadam, MD
Associate Program Director
Specialization: Psychiatry & Neurology Addiction Medicine
Graduate Medical Education: East Tennessee State University, James H. Quillen College of Medicine, Johnson City, TN
Dr. Hayel provides care as psychiatry hospitalist. He provides training and supervision of our fellows in inpatient and Emergency Room. He is Board Certified by ABPN and ABPM.
Steven Baumrucker, MD,
Holston Valley Palliative Care
Graduate Medical Education: East Tennessee State University, James H. Quillen College of Medicine, Johnson City,
Specialization: Pain Management
Dr. Baumrucker provides care for patients with chronic pain as well as terminal conditions.
He provides training and supervision of our fellows regarding the understanding and
treatment of chronic pain and how this overlaps with SUD. He is ABMS Certified in
Family Medicine and Hospice and Palliative Medicine (Family Medicine).
Anna Arroyo-Santiago, MD
Overmountain Recovery
Chad Duncan, LCSW,
Frontier Health
Graduate Education: Master of Social Work, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN
Specialization: Outpatient Addiction Services
Mr. Duncan, LCSW, will provide instruction and guidance regarding the care of patients
with Substance Use Disorder. He provides training and supervision of our fellows in
the setting of an Intensive Outpatient Treatment Program.
Scott Fitzpatrick
Diplomate of Oriental Medicine, East Tennessee Acupuncture
Preston Helmly, MD
Ballad Health, Woodridge Hospital
Rajesh S. Kadam, MD
Ballad Health, Woodridge Hospital
Graduate Medical Education: East Tennessee State University, James H. Quillen College of Medicine, Johnson City, TN
Specialization: Psychiatry, Internal Medicine
Dr. Kadam provides care as an Inpatient Psychiatrist. He provides training and supervision
of our fellows in inpatient. He is Board Certified by ABPN, ABIM, and ABPM.

Jack Larsen, MD
ETSU Health, Support Clinic
Specialization: Family Medicine, Addiction Medicine
Dr. Larsen provides care for patients with SUD. He provides training and supervision
of our fellows in our clinic. He is Board Certified by ABFM.

Mina McVeigh, LCSW
ETSU Health, Support Clinic
Specialization: Behavioral Health
Mina will instruct, model and observe motivational interviewing and brief intervention
skills during the integrated clinics. This will build on the scheduled didactic sessions
covering motivational interviewing and brief interventions.

Caleb Osborne, MD
ETSU Health, Support Clinic
Specialization: Family Medicine and Addiction Medicine
Dr. Osborne provides care for patients with SUD. He provides training and supervision
of our fellows in our clinic. He is Board Certified by ABFM.

Johana Zambrano, DO
ETSU Health, Support Clinic
Specialization: Preventative Medicine and Addiction Medicine
Dr. Zambrano provides care for patients with SUD. She provides training and supervision
of our fellows in our clinic. She is Board Certified Eligible by ABFM.