Dr. Don W. Good
Professor, Program Coordinator for Higher Educational Leadership
- gooddw@etsu.edu
- 423-423-7621
- 506 Warf Pickel
University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC - Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in Curriculum and Instruction, cognate in Higher Education Administration –1989
Winthrop University (formerly Winthrop College), Rock Hill, SC - Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.) in Mathematics - 1984
Columbia International University Graduate School (formerly Columbia Bible College), Columbia, SC – Certificate of Biblical Studies – 1981
Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC - Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Political Science and Mathematics - 1978
East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN. August 2007 to present
Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis
Spring 2020 to Present: Program Coordinator (Ed. D. in Educational Leadership,
Higher Education Leadership)
Summer 2012 to Spring 2020 Program Coordinator (M. Ed. in Educational Leadership, Student Personnel)
July 2014 to June 2016: Department Chair
August 2012 to Present: Professor (Tenure Conferred August 2012)
August 2009 to August 2012: Associate Professor
August 2007 to July 2009: Adjunct Faculty
Milligan College, Johnson City, TN. June 2007 to August 2009
Professor of Education and Mathematics.
Fall 2008 Semester: Acting Chair of Education
University of the Cumberlands (formerly Cumberland College), Williamsburg, KY. January 2002 to May 2007
Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the University
Professor of Education and Mathematics
Carson-Newman University (formerly Carson-Newman College), Jefferson City, TN. August 1989 to January 2002
1996-2002: Associate Provost. Duties included assisting the Provost in matters of rank and tenure, faculty development, institutional effectiveness, and strategic planning as well as supervising programs such as Academic Support, Adult Education, Counseling Center, and ROTC
April 2001 to June 2001: Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs
1995: Tenure Conferred. -1994-2002: Associate Professor of Education. -1992-1996: Chair of Teacher Education Department
1989-1991: Coordinator of Field Experiences
1989-1994: Assistant Professor of Education
Central Carolina Technical College (formerly Sumter Area Technical College), Sumter, SC. August 1985 to August 1989
Instructor of Mathematics. Newton-Conover High School, Newton, NC. Academic year of 1984-85
Teacher of Senior High Mathematics
Gaston Christian School, Gastonia, NC. Academic years of 1982-83 and 1983-84
Teacher of Junior and Senior High Mathematics. Covenant Christian School, Matthews, NC. Academic year of 1981-82
Supervisor of Learning Center
East Tennessee State University:
Action Research
Administration of Higher Education
Introduction to Higher Education in America
Doctoral Dissertation
Educational Statistics
Internship in Educational Leadership
Quantitative Research
Readings and Research
Research in Educational Leadership
Good, D. (2010). The campus history series: East Tennessee State University, Charleston, SC: Arcadia.
Good, D.W. (1991/92). The current state and future needs of staff development in the southeast. Louisiana Education Research Journal, 17(1), 70-79.
Good, D.W. (1993). Application of item analysis procedures to non-objective evaluation items, Education Issues, 4(1), 23-27.
Good, D.W. (2005, Fall). Car racing in Appalachia: A historical and cultural view. Now & Then: The Appalachian Magazine, 21(1), 3-5.
Good, D.W. (2006). When good isn’t good enough. In R.A. Knott (Ed), College Faith 3: 150 Christian Leaders and Educators Share Faith Stories from Their Student Days (pp. 186-187). Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press.
Good, D.W. (2009, May). Reflections on the present and future of leadership in higher education. Proceedings of the International Conference on Learning and Administration of Higher Education, 460-468.
Good, D.W. (2010). Leadership implications for college and university administrators as the present morphs into the future, Journal of Academic Administration in Higher Education, 6(1)
Garman, D. E., & Good, D. W. (2012). Student success: A comparison of
face-to-face and online sections of community college biology course.
Review of Higher Education and Self-Learning, 5(16), 179-189.
Grubb, J. M., Scott, P. H., & Good, D. W. (2017). The answer is yes: Dual
enrollment benefits students at the community college. Community College Review, 45(2). doi: 0091552116682590
Jee, J. M, & Good, D. W. (2017). The Clery Act: Student awareness and
perceptions of a public university and a private college in east Tennessee. Journal of Academic Administration in Higher Education, 13(2), 1-8.
Johnson, A. D., & Good, D. W. (2011). Goals and objectives of successful
adult degree-completion students. Research in Higher Education Journal, 12, 61-66
Lasher, R. W., & Good, D. W. (2017). College experiences of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. Research in Higher Education Journal, 33.
Leach, B. T., & Good, D. W. (2011). Critical thinking skills as related to university students’ gender and academic discipline, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 1(21), 100-106.
McHenry, K., Lampley, J., Byington, R. L., Good, D. W., & Tweed, S. R. (2018). New faculty mentoring in respiratory care programs. Respiratory Care Education Annual. 27(Fall), 22-32.
Phillips, M. S., Scott, P. H., & Good, D. W. (2014). Instructor and student perceptions of online courses: Implications of positioning theory. Journal of Information Systems Technology & Planning, 7(18).
Sharma, P., Lampley, J. & Good, D. (2015). Organizational
4 communication: Perceptions of staff members’ level of
communication satisfaction and job satisfaction. Journal of Academic Administration in Higher Education. 11(1), 43-54
Smith, L. H., Scott, P. H, & Good, D. W. (2013). Third and fourth grade TCAP scores and the universal breakfast program in Unicoi County, Tennessee Educational Leadership, 40(1), 36-43.
Spicer-Sutton, J., Lampley, J., & Good, D. W. (2014). Self-assessment and student improvement in an introductory computer course at the community college level, Journal of Learning in Higher Education. 10(1), 59-66.
Valentine, T. C., Scott, P. H., & Good, D. W. (2012). Response to intervention in meeting academic needs of at-risk students in kindergarten through second grade: Teacher perceptions of implementation. Tennessee Educational Leadership, 39(2), 23-30.
Watts, R. A., Foley, V., & Good, D. W. (2012). Parental involvement: Perceptions and actions in a small school district. Tennessee Educational Leadership, 39(1), 8-13.
White-Wright, B. Good, D., Lampley, J. (2011). Persistence in learning: Expectations and experiences of African-American students in predominately white universities, Journal of Learning in Higher Education, 7(1), 81-87.
Yates, K. J., Good, D., & Lampley, J. (2010). Graduation rates: A comparison between first-time full-time freshmen who enter community college prepared for college-level work and those who enter underprepared, Review of Higher Education and Self-Learning, 3(6), 90-100.
Young, C. K., Good, D. W., & Glascock, C. (2011). Vital collaboratives, alliances, and partnerships: A search for key elements of an effective public-private partnership, Journal of Knowledge & Human Resource Management, 3(4), 24-36.
Yowell, D. L., & Good, D. W. (2014). Support for higher education: Perceptions of selected university administrators and legislators in Tennessee. Journal of Academic Administration in Higher Education, 10(1), 19-26.
Good, D.W., & Webster, J.E.L. (1997). Creative activities used in teaching social studies to fifth grade students. Education Issues, 8(1), 1-16.
Andersen, J.C., Lampley, J.H., & Good, D.W. (2013, May). Learner satisfaction in online learning: An analysis of the perceived of learner-social media and learner-instructor interaction. Intellectbase International Consortium Academic Conference, Nashville, TN.
Brewster, K., Schafer, M., Slagle, J., & Good, D. (2011, November). The secret world of scholarly publishing: A behind the scenes look at academic book publishing. Symposium sponsored by East Tennessee State University Department of Communication, Johnson City.
Blazer, H.C., Lampley, J., Good, D., & Moore, H. (2010, June). Familial influences on second- and third-generation teachers in an east Tennessee school district. Ethnographic and Qualitative Research Conference, Cedarville, OH.
Blazer, H.C., Lampley, J., Good, D., & Moore, H. (2010, October). Familial influences on second- and third-generation teachers in an east Tennessee school district. Southern Regional Council of Educational Administration Annual Conference, Savannah, GA.
Click, I.A., Blackwelder, R, & Good, D. W. (2014, May). Practice predictors of graduates of a college of medicine with a rural primary care mission. Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX.
Dula, M.E., Lampley, J.H., & Good, D.W. (2016, May). Learning support effectiveness in mathematics at a Tennessee university. International Conference on Learning and Administration in Higher Education, Nashville, TN.
Fish, T., Dunston, B., & Good, D. (2006, December). Managing the
reaffirmation process on a small college campus. Southern Association
of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) Annual
Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Flora, Bethany, Foley, V., Flora, Bill, Scott, P, Good, D., & Joyner, D.
2012, November). From grapes to wine: Traditional to online doctoral
programs. Association for Continuing Higher Education Annual
Conference, Austin, TX.
Garman, D. E., & Good, D. W. (2012, May). Student success: A
comparison of face-to-face and online sections of community college
biology courses. Intellectbase International Consortium Academic
Conference, Nashville, TN.
Good, D. (1993, September). Application of item analysis procedures to
non-objective evaluation items. South Eastern Testing Association
Regional Meeting, Memphis, TN.
Good, D. (1996, November). College or university: Effective
administrative structures. Appalachian College Association (ACA)
Deans Meeting. Cleveland, TN.
Good, D. (1999, October). Faculty, program, and resource sharing. East
Tennessee Consortium for Higher Education. Knoxville, TN.
Good, D. (2001, September). Improving the first year of college at private
colleges. Strengthening the First College Year on Campus.
East Tennessee Consortium for Higher Education. Maryville, TN.
Good, D. (2002, November). TOEFL score uses. Council of Independent
Colleges Annual Conference for Chief Academic Officers, Santa Fe,
Good, D. (2004, April). The ins and outs of SACS’ new Quality
Enhancement Plan and other SACS issues (panelist). Association of
Independent Kentucky Colleges and University (AIKCU) Chief
Academic Officers Meeting. Jamestown, KY.
Good, D. (2005, June). Working cooperatively to strengthen general
education (panelist). Teagle Conference, Greeneville, TN.
Good, D. (2006, June). The future of Baptist higher education (panelist).
International Association of Baptist Colleges and Universities Annual
Meeting, Charleston, SC.
Good, D. (2008, April). Mathematics: Motivational and developmental
activities. Northeast Tennessee School Age Children Annual
Conference, Milligan College, TN.
Good, D. (2008, September). Mathematical applications of NASCAR.
Tennessee Mathematics Teachers’ Association Annual Conference,
Clarksville, TN.
Good, D. (2009, April). Mathematics: Building a foundation of interest.
Northeast Tennessee School Age Childcare Annual Meeting, Milligan
College, TN.
Good, D. (2010, August). History of East Tennessee State University.
Watauga Association of Genealogists (WAGS). Johnson City, TN.
Good, D. (2010, October). History of East Tennessee State University.
Watauga Historical Association, Johnson City, TN.
Good, D., & Weaver, T. (1990, May). Factors in the acceptance of
interactive videodisc technology. A Learning Workshop in Educational
Technologies. Knoxville, TN.
Good, D. W. (2009, November). A 500 mile race? It depends: A surprising
application of the circumference formula. National Council of Teachers
of Mathematics Regional Conference, Nashville, TN.
Hurst, M. A., Good, D. W., & Lampley, J. H. (2011, May). Residential
Broadband Access for Students at a Tennessee Community College.
International Conference on Learning and Administration in Higher
Education, Nashville, TN.
Jee, J. M, & Good, D. W. (2017, May). The Clery Act: Student Awareness and
Perceptions of a Public University and a Private College in East
Tennessee. International Conference on Learning and Administration in
Higher Education, Nashville, TN.
Johnson, A. D., & Good, D. W. (2011, March). Goals and objectives of
successful adult degree-completion students. Academic and Business
Research Institute Conference. Nashville, TN.
Lampley, J. Good, D., & Abraham, S. (2012, November). Expectations
and Experiences of Online Doctoral Students. Mid-South Educational
Research Association, Lexington, KY.
Lampley, J., Good, D., & Moore, H. (2010, November). Climate and
culture on Christian college campuses. Mid-South Educational Research
Association, Mobile, AL.
Lampley, J. H., Good, D., & Moore, H. (2011, November). Internet access
and online course delivery. Mid-South Educational Research
Association, Oxford, MS.
Lasher, R. W., & Good, D. W. (2017, March). College experiences of the
Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. Academic and Business Research
Institute, Asheville, NC.
Moore, H. L., Lampley, J. H., & Good, D. W. (2012, May). Ethical climate,
organizational commitment, and job satisfaction of full-time university
faculty members. International Conference on Learning and
Administration in Higher Education, Nashville, TN.
Oh, S., Good, D., & Clements, A. (2013, October). What I don’t say in the
classroom. Seminar sponsored by Cru, Johnson City, TN.
Phillips, M. S., Scott, P. H., & Good, D. W. (2014, May). Instructor and
student perceptions of online courses: Implications of positioning
theory. Intellectbase International Consortium Academic Conference,
Nashville, TN.
Plummer, R. M., & Good, D. W. (2015, May). Organizational Structure and
Resources of Alumni Associations at Public Senior Universities in the
Southeastern United States. Intellectbase International Consortium
Academic Conference, Nashville, TN.
Spicer-Sutton, J., Lampley, J., & Good, D. W. (2013, May). Self-assessment
and student improvement in an introductory computer course at the
community college level. International Conference on Learning and
Administration in Higher Education, Nashville, TN.
Sharma, P., Lampley, J. & Good, D. (2015, May). Organizational
communication: Perceptions of staff members’ level of communication
satisfaction and job satisfaction. International Conference on Learning
and Administration in Higher Education, Nashville, TN.
Weber, N. O., & Good, D. W. (2018, May). Native and community college
transfer in biological sciences at a four-year institution: A comparative
study. International Conference on Learning and Administration in
Higher Education, Nashville, TN.
White-Wright, B., Good, D.W., & Lampley, J. H. (2010, June).
Expectations and experiences of African American Students at two
predominantly white universities in southern Appalachia. International
Conference on Learning and Administration in Higher Education,
Nashville, TN.
Yates, K. J., Good, D., & Lampley, J. (2010, May). Graduation rates: A
comparison between first-time full-time freshmen who enter community
college prepared for college-level work and those who enter
underprepared. Intellectbase International Consortium Academic
Conference, Nashville, TN.
Young, C. K., Good, D. W., & Glascock, C. (2011, May). Vital
collaborative, alliances, and partnerships: A search for key elements of
an effective public-private partnership. Intellectbase International
Consortium Academic Conference, Nashville, TN.
Yowell, D. L., & Good, D. W. (2013, May). Support for higher education:
Perceptions of selected university administrators and legislators in
Tennessee. International Conference on Learning and Administration in
Higher Education, Nashville, TN.
Zhang, D., Lampley, J. H., & Good, D. W. (2014, May). Shared governance:
A comparison of perceptions and implementation between American and
Chinese higher education institutions. International Conference on
Learning and Administration in Higher Education, Nashville, TN.