Dr. Virginia Foley
Professor, Program Coordinator for Administrative Endorsement
- foleyv@etsu.edu
- 423-439-7615
- 502 Warf Pickel
Ed. D. Educational Administration, The University of Alabama, 1996.
Dissertation: An Analysis of the Impact of Teacher Empowerment on Teacher Development: A Four Year Study
Ed.S. Guidance and Counseling, State University of West Georgia, 1988
M. A. Educational Psychology, Tennessee Technological University, 1978.
B.S. Elementary Education, Tennessee Technological University, 1976
Professor, Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City TN, 2019- present
Associate Professor, Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City TN, 2013-2019
Assistant Professor, Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City TN, 2007-2013
Interim Director of University School, ETSU, Johnson City, TN, July 1, 2008-December 4, 2008
Director of Elementary Teaching and Learning/Student Services. Dalton Public Schools, Dalton, Georgia, 2004-2007
Executive Director of Student Services/Standard Bearer Process. Dalton Public Schools, Dalton, Georgia, 2001-2004
Principal, Dalton Middle School Dalton Public Schools, Dalton, Georgia, 1998-2001
Counselor, Dalton Junior High School. Dalton Public Schools, Dalton, Georgia, 1997-1998
Coordinator of Elementary School Counseling. Dalton Public Schools, Dalton, Georgia, 1982-1998
Elementary School Counselor. Dalton Public Schools, Dalton, Georgia, 1978-1997
Teacher, Fort Hill Elementary School. Dalton Public Schools, Dalton, Georgia, 1976-1977
ELPA 5100/6100: Interpersonal Relations:
ELPA 5200/6200: Emerging Perspectives Influencing the Schools
ELPA 5300/6300: Professional Needs of Groups and Individuals
ELPA 5400/6400: Instructional Leadership
ELPA 5500/6500: Implementation Strategies
ELPA 5600/6600: Shaping the Character and Quality of the Institution
ELPA 6270: Supervisory Techniques
ELPA 6450: Leadership Studies
ELPA 6020: Seminar in Educational Supervision
ELPA 7860: Dissertation Research
ELPA 7990: Readings and Research
ELPA 6220: Specialist Seminar
ELPA 6951: Seminar in Educational Research
Supporting School Leaders during the Pandemic
Everything my dissertation students are researching
Christian, G., Quinn, M., Foley, V. (2022, Oct.). What to do when the kids aren't alright. The Learning Professional; Learning Forward Journal, https://learningforward.org/journal/teaching-in-turbulent-times/what-to-do-when-the-kids-arent-alright/
Foley, V. (Fall 2011) “Devaluing teachers: or reform has become a four letter word.” Tennessee Educational Leadership.
Foley, V. and Reynolds, D. (2011, Nov./Dec.) “All I really need to know about professional learning I learned in Georgia.” PAGE ONE.
Watts, R., Foley, V., and Good, D. (Spring 2012) “Parent involvement: perceptions and actions in a small school district.” Tennessee Educational Leadership.
Horne, J., Foley, V., and Flora B. “Race to the Paycheck: Merit Pay and Theories of Teacher Motivation.” Journal of Learning in Higher Education
Davis, J., Lampley, J., & Foley, V. (2016, Spring). The Relationship between Growth Scores and the Overall Observation Ratings for Teachers in a Public School System in Tennessee. Journal of Learning in Higher Education.
Dotson, L. & Foley, V. (2017, Spring). Middle Grades Student Achievement and Poverty Levels: Implications for Teacher Preparation Journal of Learning in Higher Education.
Bowers, D. & Foley, V. (2018 ). Advanced Placement and Dual Enrollment as Related to College Readiness and Retention in a Tennessee University. Journal of Learning in Higher Education
East Tennessee State Univeristy. (2022, May 9). ETSU, Unicoi schools partner to create more trauma informed system. [Press Release]. https://www.etsu.edu/etsu-news/2022/05-may/trauma-informed-unicoi-nr.php
East Tennessee State University. (2022, September 8). Clemmer college faculty-led team sutures $1.25 million in grant funding. [Press release]. https://www.etsu.edu/etsu-news/2022/09-september/ritasee.php