Elementary Education K-5
Elementary Education (K-5) is designed for undergraduate students interested in becoming educators for kindergarten through 5th grade.
Students in this program are eligible for dual licensure as K-5 Elementary and PreK-12 English as a Second Language teachers after successful completion of specific courses, participation in professional field work, passing a criminal background check and meeting all state licensure-requirements.

Jamie Price PhD
Associate ProfessorCurriculum and Instruction Math Education
- pricejh@etsu.edu
- 423-439-7583
- 409D Warf-Pickel Hall
Admission Criteria
Students pursuing a degree in Elementary Education (K-5) must receive initial advisement through the Office of Student Services located in the Clemmer College (321 Warf-Pickel Hall). This office will establish the student's initial file, evaluate any previous coursework for applicability to Teacher Education requirements, and assist the student with program planning. (See Advisement to contact this office.)
Program Requirements
Students who declare Education as a major will meet with an advisor in the Clemmer
College Advisement Services who will help them plan the completion of their program of study. As students move
into their education major courses, students will be assigned a departmental faculty
mentor who will see them through the completion of their program. The requirements
of the Elementary Education (K-5) & PreK-12 ESL program include course work and a
year-long Residency.
Please see the undergraduate catalog for degree requirements as well as the 4 year plan.