On-Campus Student Course Progression:
Curriculum Overview
Traditional Full Time Program: Two Years
Year 1 Fall Year 1 Spring Year 1 Summer Year 2 Fall Year 2 Spring SOWK 5100 Social Work Practice Foundations I (3) SOWK 5220 Social Work Practice Foundations III (3) SOWK 5510 Foundations of Clnical Social Work (3) SOWK 5303 Advanced Practice with Individuals I (3) SOWK 5325 Advanced Practice with Individuals II (3) SOWK 5102 HBSE I (3) SOWK 5203 Social Work Practice Foundations II (3) SOWK 5XXX- Elective (3) SOWK 5323 Advanced Practice with Groups (3) SOWK 5313 Advanced Practice with Families (3) SOWK 5202 HBSE II (3) SOWK 5205 Research (3) SOWK 5305 Personal Practice Evaluation (3) SOWK 5430 Psychopathology (3) SOWK 5XXX- Elective (3) SOWK 5104 Social Welfare Policy & Services (3) SOWK 5106 Foundation Field I (4)
480 hours over 2 semestersSOWK 5206 Foundation Field II (4)
480 hours over 2 semestersSOWK 5306 Advanced Practice Field I (4)
600 hours over 2 semestersSOWK 5406 Advanced Practice Field II (3)
600 hours over 2 semesters12 Credit Hours 13 Credit Hours 13 Credit Hours 13 Credit Hours 12 Credit Hours TOTAL CREDIT HOURS: 63
Advanced Standing Full Time Program: 3 Semesters
Summer Fall Spring SOWK 5305 Personal Practice Evaluation (3) SOWK 5303 Advanced Practice with Individuals I (3) SOWK 5325 Advanced Practice with Individuals II (3) SOWK 5XXX- Elective (3) SOWK 5323 Advanced Practice with Groups (3) SOWK 5313 Advanced Practice with Families (3) SOWK 5510 Foundations of Clnical Socail Work (3) SOWK 5430 Psycopathology (3) SOWK 5XXX- Elective (3) SOWK 5306 Advanced Practice Field I (4)
600 hours over 2 semestersSOWK 5XXX- Elective (3) SOWK 5406 Advanced Practice Field II (3)
600 hours over 2 semesters9 Credit Hours 13 Credit Hours 15 Credit Hours TOTAL CREDIT HOURS: 37
Traditional Part Time Schedule: 4 Years
Contact Dr. Brittany Wilkins for guidance on part-time schedules.
Year 1 Fall Year 1 Spring Year 1 Summer Year 2 Fall Year 2 Spring Year 2 Summer SOWK 5100 Social Work Practice Foundations I (3) SOWK 5203 Social Work Practice Foundations II (3) ----- SOWK 5202 HBSE I (3) SOWK 5220 Social Work Practice Foundations III (3) SOWK 5510 Foundations of Clnical Social Work (3) SOWK 5102 HBSE II (3) SOWK 5205 Research (3) ----- SOWK 5104 Social Welfare Policy & Services (3) SOWK 5106 Foundation Field I (4)
480 hours over 2 semestersSOWK 5206 Foundation Field II (4)
480 hours over 2 semesters6 Credit Hours 6 Credit Hours ----- 6 Credit Hours 7 Credit Hours 7 Credit Hours *NOTE – no classes Year 1 Summer
Year 3 Fall Year 3 Spring Year 3 Summer Year 4 Fall Year 4 Spring SOWK 5303 Advanced Practice with Individuals I (3) SOWK 5325 Advanced Practice with Individuals II (3) SOWK 5305 Personal Practice Evaluation (3) SOWK 5323 Advanced Practice with Groups (3) SOWK 5313 Advanced Practice with Families (3) SOWK 5430 Psychopathology (3) SOWK 5XXX- Elective (3) SOWK 5XXX- Elective (3) SOWK 5306 Advanced Practice Field I (4)
600 hours over 2 semestersSOWK 5406 Advanced Practice Field II (3)
600 hours over 2 semesters6 Credit Hours 6 Credit Hours 6 Credit Hours 7 Credit Hours 6 Credit Hours TOTAL CREDIT HOURS: 63
Advanced Standing Part Time Schedule: 2 Years
Contact Dr. Brittany Wilkins for guidance on part-time schedules.
Year 1 Summer Year 1 Fall Year 1 Spring SOWK 5510 Foundations of Clnical Social Work (3) SOWK 5303 Advanced Practice with Individuals I (3) SOWK 5325 Advanced Practice with Individuals II (3) SOWK 5XXX- Elective (3) SOWK 5430 Psychopathology (3) SOWK 5313 Advanced Practice with Families (3) 6 Credit Hours 6 Credit Hours 6 Credit Hours
Year 2 Summer Year 2 Fall Year 2 Spring SOWK 5305 Personal Practice Evaluation (3) SOWK 5323 Advanced Practice with Groups (3) SOWK 5XXX- Elective (3) SOWK 5XXX- Elective (3) SOWK 5306 Advanced Practice Field I (4)
600 hours over 2 semestersSOWK 5406 Advanced Practice Field II (3)
600 hours over 2 semesters6 Credit Hours 7 Credit Hours 6 Credit Hours TOTAL CREDIT HOURS: 37
Student Advisement
The student advisement process begins with the admission of a student to the program and continues until graduation. An MSW faculty advisor is assigned to each student and guides the student through the registration process, answering any question the student might have, and providing necessary forms and referrals. The MSW Program Director provides any needed additional information and guidance requested by the student. Students are guided through the decision-making process of becoming a part-time or full-time student.
The following guidelines are to be used when advising students in the MSW Program:
- Every student will be provided the opportunity to meet with their advisor concerning registration twice an academic year.
- All newly admitted students must be advised prior to beginning classes.
- All newly admitted students must complete the MSW New Student Orientation prior to the first day of classes.
- Advisors will use DegreeWorks and the course sequence for advisement.
- Students must have a 3.0 GPA to graduate.
- If a student’s GPA drops below 3.0 the student will be placed on probation.
- Advisement for the Summer and Fall semesters is completed in the Spring. Advisement for Spring and Winter semesters is
- completed in November.
- No academic credit is given for work or volunteer experience.
- Students MUST complete the MSW Program within a period of six (6) years.