Department of Social WorkDepartment of Social Work What is Social Work? Faculty/Staff BSW Academic Programs & Certificates BSW Dual Degree Anthropology B.A. and Social Work B.S.W Dual Degree Psychology B.S. and Social Work B.S.W Child Advocacy Studies, Certificate School Social Work Licensure MSW Academic Programs & Certificates MSWField Education School Social Work Licensure Certificate CCACS Child Advocacy Studies, Certificate Accreditation Lunch and Learn Speaker Series Self-Care Initiative Online Resources Regional Activities Student Resources Student Organizations Scholarships Bucky's Food Pantry Contact Us Give Donna Cherry PROFESSOR, Graduate Coordinator for MSW, CCACS, CAST and School Social Work Licensure 423-439-6018 Lyle House, Room 203 Ph.D., University of Tennessee - KnoxvilleMSW, University of Tennessee - KnoxvilleBA, Oregon State University