East Tennessee State University
Department of Exercise & Sport Science
Box 70671
Johnson City, TN 37614-1701
Phone: (423) 439-4265
Fax (423) 439-5383
Dr. Mike Ramsey, Interim Department Chair: (423) 439-4375, ramseym@etsu.edu
Nellie Frye is undergraduate advisor for Exercise Science majors. Her office is in
the College of Health Sciences Student Advisement Office.
Location and Contact Information
Nellie Frye - Contact:
Room 431, Lamb Hall (College of Health Sciences).
Telephone number is 423-439-7625. From a campus phone, dial 97625.
Email: fryenk@etsu.edu
Office hours 8:00am-4:30pm, Monday-Friday; college-observed holidays excepted
Appointments are strongly recommended, please call to schedule
Academic advisement
Information and referral to other campus resources such as:Health and dental needs
- Campus organizations (social and service)
Tutoring services
Career counseling
Student skills advisement
Referral to campus counseling center
For more information please go to the the Health Sciences Student Advisement page here