Discussing Trauma-Informed Care with Clients, Patients, and Students: A Virtual Town Hall for Audiologists and SLP's Register Here
Tinnitus Awarness Week
What is tinnitus?
For More Information
If you need some help on how to deal with tinnitus, there is an ongoing tinnitus management study through the Audiology deparment.
Please email Mark Weiner who is leading the tinnitus management study
Additional Questions?
For any additional questions about tinnitus, you can email Dr. Marc Fagelson
CaptionCall Scholarship Winners:
Congratulations to Jenn Lowe (AuD 4th Year) and Megan Horsley (AuD 1st Year) for being awarded the 2021 CaptionCall Scholarship from a national competition. We are proud of you both! More info here (Posted. 05/20/21).
Invited Presentation at the 49th National Voice Symposium: Is It Worth the Effort?
Dr. Guntupalli (Nanjundeswaran) was invited to be a part of the special panel on Vocal Fatigue: Is it Worth the Effort?” for the 49th Voice Symposium. Due to COVID-19, the conference is scheduled as a Virtual Voice Symposium. Dr. Nanjundeswaran sent in her recorded presentation on “Measuring and Monitoring the Complex Nature of Vocal Fatigue” for the virtual symposium and will participate in a live panel discussion on May 29th at 11am ET. Here is the link to her recorded presentation- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PULOnpoPQxk&lc=UgzlYzaegIoKX915Zml4AaABAg (posted: 05/28/2020)
Creating Interdisciplinary Leaders in Northeast Tennessee (CILNT)
A new grant was awarded to the ETSU, by the U.S. Department of Education, which will fund graduate students in Special Education and Speech-Language Pathology.
The CILNT project trains graduate scholars in special education and speech language pathology (SLP) in an interdisciplinary approach to use Evidence Based Practices for students with high intensity support needs (SwHISN; e.g., multiple disabilities, significant cognitive disabilities, significant physical disabilities, significant autism, significant sensory disabilities) in order to fill major shortages of personnel qualified to serve this population.
CILNT uses a unique model where the selected graduate scholars receive seminars and shared clinical experiences, on top of their program of study, from faculty in diverse fields (nutrition, pediatrics, early childhood, and physical and occupational therapy) who are experts in their discipline on working with SwHISNs. Special education and SLP graduates of the CILNT project become highly trained professionals prepared to implement evidence-based practices, using an interdisciplinary team model to best serve students with the most complex needs.
For more information on the grant and how to apply, please follow this link: https://www.etsu.edu/coe/efse/sped/cilnt.php (Released: 01/16/2020)
Understanding Autism Workshop
Mark your calendars for the 3rd annual 'Understanding Autsim' Workshop on December 5th, 5:00 pm- 7:30 pm. More details to follow.
Congratulations to Dr. Chaya Guntupalli for receiving a NIH R15 Grant for her project "Cardiovascular Conditioning in the Treatment of Vocal Fatigue”. This grant will allow Dr. Guntupalli to continue to develop cutting edge research for the next three years while expanding her passion and expertise. This fall, Dr. Guntupalli Fall will travel to the World Phonosurgery Conference to be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina as an invited speaker.
The Department of Audiology & Speech-Language Pathology (ASLP) hosted a continuing
education event for community speech-language pathologists entitled, “Supervisor Share:
Guiding Future Colleagues,” on May 31, 2019. This ASHA-approved event followed a smaller
scale event previously held in April of 2018, in which supervisors shared clinical
tools/materials and discussed supervisory matters in a small group setting.
The inaugural event in May, in which over 40 speech-language pathologists were in attendance, provided a review of requirements for the supervision of graduate students, including understanding the supervisory process, improving efficiency of supervision and strategies for challenging situations. A panel of supervisors provided tips and answered practical questions live from attendees. Furthermore, the department held this event to collaborate with other professionals in the community and to promote cohesiveness among alumni and supervisors who support or are interested to support the ETSU graduate program. The ASLP department plans to provide such events on a continual basis.
This summer the ETSU Center for Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology is also transitioning to a new electronic medical record system (“EMR”). The new EMR is a shared system that can be accessed by various ETSU clinic locations as well as affiliated clinics operated by the Medical Education Assistance Corporation. This means your patient information from multiple clinic locations will all be stored in one place and will be accessible to providers at each clinic for purposes such as treatment and payment for your healthcare.
ETSU continues to be committed to providing you with excellent care and protecting the privacy and security of your health information. If you have any questions about this notice, please contact the ETSU HIPAA Compliance Office 423.439.8533.
The Medical Education Assistance Corporation will be taking over billing for services you receive from now forward, at any of the ETSU Center for Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology locations. If you have old balances you will continue to receive a bill from the ETSU Center for Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology directly until those balances are paid. For new balances for services over the summer and in the future you will receive a bill from Medical Education Assistance Corporation. This means you may receive two bills if you have an old balance and accrue a new one. If you have any questions about billing please call 423-439-4355.
As always, we are committed to providing you with excellent care and we appreciate your choosing the ETSU Center for Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Interprofessional Education in Costa Rica!
Four SLP students participated in the CHS inaugural international interprofessional learning experience with University Santa Paula in Costa Rica in March 2019. (07/01/18)
Read the news report here:
Congratulations to Dr. Chaya Guntupalli for her article titled “Metabolic Mechanisms of Vocal Fatigue” which was voted as the best SLP paper published in the Journal of Voice in 2017. At the same award ceremony Heather Smith’ (May 2018 graduate ) presentation on " Vocal Health: Awareness and Perceptions in Undergraduate Vocal Music and Theatre Majors" received an honorable mention for Best Student Paper Award at the 47th Annual Symposium- Care of the Professional Voice in Philadelphia on June 2, 2018! (07/01/18)
Dr. Brenda Louw was an invited international guest speaker at the 12th Australasian Cleft Lip and Palate Conference, held in Sydney, Australia May 4-6,2018. She co-presented a paper with her esteemed colleague, Dr. Linda Vallino from Nemours/Alfred DuPont Hospital In Wilmington, Delaware, entitled “ Transition of Care for the Young Adult with Cleft Lip and Palate: Stuck between Goodbye to the Pediatric Team and hello to Adult-Centered Care” and another paper on” A new perspective on the Outcomes of Children with Cleft Lip and Palate: Application of the ICF-CY”.(05/16/18)
Celebrating 40 years
In honor of Dr. Brenda Louw's 40 years as a Speech-Language Pathologist, the first year Speech-Language Pathology students surprised her with a donation to Smile Train. Smile Train is an international children's charity that provides surgery to children who are born with a cleft lip or a cleft palate in developing countries. Their donation will pay for a child to receive corrective surgery in her name! For more information about Smile Train, please visit their website.
The Fund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education (FIPSE) is a federal grant that Dr. Brenda Louw and Dr. Lynn Williams received to fund opportunities to encourage cross-cultural competence among ETSU SLP graduate students.
In 2011 the first of five groups traveled to Brazil to live, study, participate in
various clinics, and conduct research with a cross-cultural emphasis. The final group
of students who traveled to Brazil under the FIPSE grant was in 2015. They participated
in clinics of all varieties (pediatric, NICU, acute, outpatient, inpatient, free clinics,
aphasia group, Cleft Lip and Palate Hospital) with many different populations (school
age, voice, aphasia, dysphagia, dysarthria, CLP, apraxia, language, speech etc.) while
working under caring Brazilian professors and alongside friendly Brazilian students[LB1] .
[LB1] Unfortunately the FIPSE grant has come to an end, but Dr. Louw and
Dr. Williams continue to collaborate with faculty in Brazil and have future plans
of a study abroad course in Brazil.
"Clinical observations and social interactions with new friends, at both UFSM and USP, are something I will treasure for the rest of my life."
"The experience I received, friendships I gained, and knowledge I have gathered though being a FIPSE Fellow, is something I would not change for the world."
"The most important takeaway from my Brazil experience is culture or tradition does not implicate superiority or inferiority."
"My time there has infiltrated my personal and professional perspectives, my view of familiar and foreign cultures, and my future professional goals."
"My time in Brazil broadened my acceptance of the cultural differences I experienced there and informed my future clinical practice in working with diverse cultural backgrounds."