2024-2025 Respiratory Curriculum
Respiratory Therapy Online students must complete (or receive transfer credit for) ETSU’s General Education Requirements, including these Major Specific courses listed in General Education Requirements:
Students must also complete these Respiratory Therapy Major Requirements:
- Any college-level Chemistry course (4 credits)
- HSCI 2230 - Introduction to Microbiology (4 credits)
- HSCI 2231 - Introduction to Microbiology Laboratory (0 credit)
- ALHE 3010 - Allied Health Professionals (3 credits)
- ALHE 3040 - Interprofessional Allied Health Teams (3 credits)
- ALHE 4060 - Research in Allied Health (3 credits)
- ALHE 4070 - Leadership in Allied Health (3 credits)
- ALHE 4100 - Information Management for Allied Health Professionals (3 credits)
- ALHE 4030 - Professional Issues in Allied Health (3 credits)
- CPSC 3550 - Patient Centered Practice (3 credits)
- CPSC 4350 - Clinical Education IV (3 credits)
- COBH 4607 - Gerontology and Health (3 credits)
43 credit hours of Bridge credit for the following courses will be automatically awarded to students after completion of ALHE 3010 and ALHE 4070.
Students do not need to enroll in these courses.
- ALHE 2010 - Introduction to Allied Health (2 credits)
- ALHE 2020 - Patient Care and Assessment (3 credits)
- CPSC 3000 - Foundations of Cardiopulmonary Science (4 credits)
- CPSC 3010 - Foundations of Cardiopulmonary Science Lab (3 credits)
- CPSC 3040 - Pharmacology in Cardiopulmonary Science (3 credits)
- CPSC 3100 - Cardiopulmonary Critical Care (3 credits)
- CPSC 3110 - Cardiopulmonary Critical Care Lab (3 credits)
- CPSC 3140 - Cardiopulmonary Disease Pathology (3 credits)
- CPSC 3150 - Clinical Education I (3 credits)
- CPSC 3350 - Clinical Education II (4 credits)
- CPSC 4100 - Advanced Cardiopulmonary Critical Care (3 credits)
- CPSC 4150 - Clinical Education III (3 credits)
- CPSC 4200 - Neonatal and Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Care (3 credits)
- CPSC 4500 - Cardiopulmonary Diagnostic and Therapeutic Care (3 credits)