We use a lot of climate data here at the Tennessee Climate Office! Check out the video above to find out about a few top resources in particular and how to use those. Some useful resources are linked below and we'll add more as we hear about specific data needs and uses across the state. We are also building a Tennessee Climate Data Portal that will provide easy access to Tennessee-specific climate data. This portal is anticipated to be available in 2022.
Top Climate Data/Resources:
Climate At A Glance: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/cag/
National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS): https://www.drought.gov/
Southern Regional Climate Center: https://www.srcc.tamu.edu/
Southeast Regional Climate Center: https://sercc.com/
Climate Explorer Tool from National Environmental Modeling and Analysis Center (NEMAC):
Check out sessions from our 2021 Tennessee Climate Data Summit:
Day 1 (5/25/2021)
Welcome (AASC & SRCC) & TCO Introduction
State & Federal Agencies Panel
National & Regional Climate Services: NOAA
Regional Tools & Discussion: Drought, USGS, & USDA
Day 2 (5/26/2021)
Local Issues & Sector Breakouts
State Climate Offices & Climate Monitoring
University Research & Services
Regional Tools & Discussion: SERCC & NWS
Quick Reference - Access speaker contact information and links/resources that they shared during their sessions.
If you would like to look at the agenda and full program for the 2021 Tennessee Climate Data Summit, CLICK HERE.