Honors-In-Discipline Program
The Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology at ETSU offers enhanced educational opportunities for criminal justice and criminology majors through the Honors-in-Discipline program. Interested students should follow this link to submit an application. The application deadline is March 7th for Fall 2025.
URHP Application Fall 2025 Admission
Beginning Fall 2023 all Honors in Discipline students will receive a $2500 scholarship each year that is stackable with other ETSU scholarships. Incoming students beginning Fall 2023 will have the opportunity to apply for research funds up to $1250 to be used towards their next thesis projects.
Students will need to apply and submit a budget for use of the funds at the link below.
Applications are due March 1st for 2024.
Academic Program of Study
The Criminal Justice and Criminology Honors-in-Discipline program of study consists
- 12 hours of honors-enriched coursework: Only the listed courses can be taken as honors-enriched
criminal justice and criminology courses (See the Criminal Justice and Criminology
Honors-In Discipline Program Check Sheet). An honors student should contract with
the instructor of the course to be taken for honors-enriched credit. The student will
be required to write an additional 8-12 page paper in addition to the course requirements.
The paper requirements are at the discretion and may be modified by the instructor
and tailored to meet the specific needs of the class and should be written on the
Agreement Form. The student and instructor should sign this form, and each should
keep a copy. An additional copy should be given to the Criminal Justice and Criminology
Honors-In-Discipline Coordinator. The student will need to sign up for the 088 section
of the course to be taken for honors credit. A permit request form can be completed
in room 201 Rogers Stout. If a student has already taken a course, he/she is not permitted
to re-take the course as honors-enriched.
- 6 hours of Honor's Thesis coursework: All honors students must complete a senior honors thesis by enrolling in 6 semester hours (3 in the Fall and 3 in the Spring). The Senior Thesis will be advised by a tenure track faculty member in the Criminal Justice and Criminology Department. In addition to the advisor, at least two additional faculty members will serve on the committee with one member being from outside the department. All students will defend their thesis in a public forum.
Admission Requirements
- Entering Freshman: Freshman entering the Criminal Justice and Criminology Honors-In-Discipline
Program must have the following:
- A high school cumulative GPA of 3.2 or
- An ACT composite score of 25 or greater or
- A SAT score of 1130 or greater
- Students entering programs after their first semester at ETSU: To be admitted into
the Criminal Justice and Criminology Honors-in-Discipline program, students must have:
- maintained at least a 3.2 overall GPA and at least a 3.50 GPA in criminal justice and criminology coursework
- Transfer students: To be admitted into the Honors-in-Criminal Justice and Criminology
program, transfer students must have:
- maintained at least an overall 3.50 GPA in coursework at ETSU and all colleges, universities and community colleges attended
Retention Requirements
To remain in the Criminal Justice and Criminology Honors-In-Discipline Program, students
must complete at least 12 hours per semester (if students have an HID scholarship,
they must complete at least 15 hours per semester). Students must also maintain a
GPA of at least 2.8 for their first 30 hours, 3.0 after 45 hours and 3.2 for the remainder
of their academic career at ETSU.
Students falling below the minimal requirements will be placed on temporary probation in the Criminal Justice and Criminology Honors-in-Discipline program, and will have a one-semester grace period to meet or exceed the grade-point-average requirements. If students are placed on temporary probation or otherwise fail to demonstrate adequate progress in completing the Criminal Justice and Criminology Honors-in-Discipline program, the Criminal Justice and Criminology Honors-in-Discipline Program Coordinator will notify both the student and the Director of Honors-in-Discipline Programs as soon as possible. Students failing to maintain the GPA requirements as a result of their final semester of performance or failing to meet the other honors requirements will be not be awarded the Criminal Justice and Criminology Honors-in-Discipline designation upon graduation.
Graduation Requirements
To graduate with the Criminal Justice and Criminology Honors-in-Discipline Designation,
students must:
- be admitted to the Criminal Justice and Criminology Honors-in-Discipline program;
- complete all necessary coursework (honors, major, general education, and otherwise); honors coursework includes four honors-enriched courses and 6 hours of honors thesis credit.
- maintain an overall GPA of 3.2 and a Criminal Justice and Criminology GPA of 3.50;
- maintain at least a B average in CJCR 4018 (Honors Thesis) coursework;
- and present the results of their honor's theses publicly and orally.
HID Program Coordinator
Jennifer Pealer
201A Roger-Stout