Computer Recommendations for 2025-26 school year
Computers are dramatically affecting the way designers see and think about design.
To address these issues studio courses will address how technology impacts the design
The required design related software places very large demands on the hardware. Design
illustrations can take time to completely render on the best computers. As students'
progress through the program their resulting design illustrations become more complex
and place further strains on aging hardware. Thus, the minimum requirements are based
on recommendations of the most computer intensive software and looking to the future
when students will be required to do more complex presentations when their computers
are 3 years old. The studio are equipped with desktop machines that easily run all
needed software and are avaliable to INTD students 24/7.
Waiting until your sohomore year to purchase a laptop is highly recommended so that the hardware is as new as possble.
Mac and Windows syatems are acceptable. Buy as much as you can afford. Trying to save tons of money now will only require you to purchase another laptop later.
MINIMUM System Recommendations
Mac users MUST buy a MacBook Pro (MacBook Air will not work) AND purchase Parallels Pro to be able to run REVIT on Window operating system. Purchase
Parallels here at an educational discount. You can get a license of the latest Windows software
once you install Parallels from the control center command then the plus sign then
get Windows from Micorsoft.
14" screen min
Intel: i9 series or better processor*
Macbook Pro: M3 Pro or better*
PC's = Descrete separate video card (not buidlt into CPU)
MacBook Pro = GPU in M3 minimum
PC's = 64 GB***
Macbook Pro = 32 Gb***
1 TB SSD hard drive**
3-button mouse
3 yr extended warranty highly recommended
* 2.2 GHz. Minimum: Upgrade to best processor with the highest clock speed as you
can afford
** Upgrade to largest hard drive as you can afford
*** buy as much as you can afford
Typical software:
CAD software
AutoCAD & REVIT – free download to students. IT MUST MATCH VERSION FOUND IN STUDIOS.
SketchUp Pro Version for students
Podium V2 - make sure you buy the highest version
Word processing*
ETSU Microsoft Office free download* the only file types accepted for grading are doc/docx or pdf. You must learn to
convert to those files types if you select one of the non-preferred packages
ETSU Adobe Creative Suite Creative Cloud Student Version - monthly subscription
Cloud storage: backup purposes comes with Onedrive cloud storage from ETSU.
Appropriate backpack or sleeve
Estimated approximate total cost: $2500 plus tax - all computer prices are estimated and vary greatly from place to place and time to time