All requests to have surplus equipment and/or furniture picked up should be sent to Central Receiving. This request should have detailed information about what is to be picked up (including all pertinent ETSU numbers) and the location of the surplus. Central Receiving will then generate a Physical Plant work request to have the items picked up. Please note that it is the responsibility of your department to properly safeguard the surplus until it is picked up. Click on the link below and complete the form. The form may be mailed to Central Receiving, Attention: Jay Seehorn, PO Box 70696, or faxed to 439-5793.
All requests to have surplus computers picked up should be sent to Central Receiving. This request should have detailed information about what is to be picked up (including all pertinent ETSU numbers) and the location of the surplus computer(s). Central Receiving will then generate an ITS work request to have the computers picked up. Please note that it is the responsibility of your department to properly safeguard the surplus computers until they are picked up. Click on the link below and complete the form. The form may be mailed to:
Central Receiving,
Attention: Jay Seehorn,
PO Box 70696,
or faxed to 439-5793.
Equipment Inventory Change / Deletion Request Form