We encourage you to become familiar with this website. It provides the information you need to understand how your credits will transfer and may even help with course registration at your current institution. We aim to make your experience seamless and hope the site answers all your questions.
Helpful Resources
Carefully review the undergraduate catalog for your ETSU major. Look for specific requirements that may be part of the general education core. If you can take a course at the community college level that will fulfill both a major requirement and a general education requirement, we encourage you to do so.
Don't be afraid to ask questions! We are here to help you make the best of your transfer experience! Contact us today.

Our Mission
The mission of the Office of Transfer and Adult Student Outreach is to provide transfer
students with the appropriate resources for academic success, thus creating a smooth
and seamless transition for East Tennessee State University students.
We look forward to our 2025 Articulation and Partnership Symposium
March 27th at 9am
with Keynote Speaker
Dr. Catherine Hartman - Assistant professor of college leadership and faculty scholar
at the Belk Center for Community College Leadership and Research at North Carolina
State University, scholar at the National Resource Center for the First year Experience
and Students in Transition.
and Special Guest Speaker Dr. Brian Bennett, Chair and Associate Professor, Department
of Computing, ETSU
Topic: "Higher Education Meets AI: What's New and What's Not"
To Register for this conference please click here: