Non-traditional credit available only to enrolled, undergraduate, degree-seeking students.
Policy subject to change by the University, testing services, and other agencies without
Undergraduate, degree-seeking students enrolled at East Tennessee State University may establish advanced standing credit through a number of non-traditional means. Approved programs include the following:
- Credit for Service in the Armed Forces
- DANTES exams — Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support
- AP — Advanced Placement Program Credit Program of the College Entrance Examination Board
- ACT/SAT Credit for Freshman English
- IB — International Baccalaureate Program
- CLEP — College-Level Examination Program of the College Entrance Examination Board
- Cambridge Exam Results
- Departmental Course Challenge Exams
- Excelsior College Examination
- University Credit for Experiential Learning (Bachelor of General Studies B.G.S., Bachelor of Professional Studies B.S., Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies B.S. majors only.)
- Credit from Non-Regionally Accredited Collegiate Institutions
- Tennessee Statewide Dual Credit
In each case, specific criteria exist for awarding advanced standing credit.* Please review the following information concerning each program. Credit is awarded only to enrolled, degree-seeking, undergraduate students.
Credit is not awarded to special (non-degree) students, with the exception of graduate special students enrolled in an ETSU teacher certification program through the ETSU College of Education.
All nontraditional credit carries a grade notation of “P” (Pass). In order for credit to be considered, an official transcript must be forwarded directly from the reporting agency or testing center.
If you have questions, contact the Office of Admissions at (423) 439-4213 or
PO Box 70731,
Johnson City, TN
* Policies subject to change without notice.
Military ETSU Policy
East Tennessee State University awards credit for educational programs in the Armed Services of the United States as recommended by the Commission on Educational Credit of the American Council on Education and published in their Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Forces. The credit is awarded for formal military course completion, not for skill level attainment or occupational experience. Only first bachelor degree-seeking veterans are eligible. Military credit does not satisfy baccalaureate proficiency requirements.
U.S. Army, Navy, and Marine veterans should submit official ACE Registry transcripts (ARTS/SMARTS) to the ETSU Office of Admissions. U.S. Air Force veterans should present official Community College of the Air Force transcripts. Coast Guard veterans should submit official Coast Guard Institute Education transcripts. The DD 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty, DD 295, Application for the Evaluation of Learning Experiences during Military Service, or other official documentation may also be submitted.
The DANTES Program is a testing service conducted by Educational Testing Service (ETS). Originally designed for military personnel, the program is now available to civilians. The DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSSTs) include approximately 50 tests in a wide range of introductory college-level academic, vocational/technical, and business subjects. ETSU awards credit for the following DSSTs. ETSU is not a DANTES test center.
Subject Exam | Minimum Scores | ETSU Courses | Semester Hours Credit |
Astronomy | 48 | ASTR Elective | 3 |
Business, Intro to | 46 | BADM 1130 | 3 |
College Algebra, Intro to | 46 | MATH 1710 | 3 |
Computing, Into to | 400 | CSCI Elective | 3 |
Contemporary Western Europe | 48 | History Elective | 3 |
Developmental Psychology, Lifespan | 47 | EDFN 2310 | 3 |
Ethics in America | 400 | PHIL 2020 | 3 |
Here's to Your Health | 48 | COBH 1010 | 3 |
History of Vietnam War | 49 | History Elective | 2 |
Intro to World Religions | 48 | Religion Elective | 3 |
Modern Middle East, Intro to | 44 | History Elective | 3 |
Principles of Supervision | 400 | MGMT 3000 | 3 |
Physical Science, Prin of | 47 | PHYS 1030 | 3 |
Advanced Placement ETSU Policy
AP Exam Minimum Score ETSU Course(s) Semester Hours Credit Studio Art: Drawings (F' 13-F'15) 3 ARTA 1201 3 Studi Art: Drawing (Effective S'16) 3 No Credit History of Art 3 ARTH 2010 3 -
AP Exam Minimum Score ETSU Course(s) Semester Hours Credit 3 BIOL 1010/1011 4 4 BIOL 1010/1011, 1020/1021 8 -
AP Exam Minimum Score ETSU Course(s) Semester Hours Credit 3 CHEM 1110/1111 4 4 CHEM 1110/1111, 1120/1121 8 -
Computer Science
AP Exam Minimum Score ETSU Course(s) Semester Hours Credit Computer Sci A 3 CSCI Elective 4 Computer Prin 3 CSCI 1200 3 -
AP Exam Minimum Score ETSU Course(s) Semester Hours Credit Micro 3 ECON 2220 3 Macro 3 ECON 2210 3 -
AP Exam Minimum Score ETSU Course(s) Semester Hours Credit Lang 3 ENGL 1010 3 Lang 4 ENGL 1010, 1020 6 Lit (2014-2015 only) 3 ENGL 1010 3 Lit (2014-2015 only) 4 ENGL 1010, 1020 6 Lit (Effective F'15) 4 ENGL 2030 3 -
Environmental Science
AP Exam Minimum Score ETSU Course(s) Semester Hours Credit 3 ENVH 3010 3 -
AP Exam Minimum Score ETSU Courses(s) Semester Hours Credit 3 FREN 1010,1020 6 4 FREN 1010,1020,2010 9 5 FREN 1010,1020,2010,2020 12 -
AP Exam Minimum Score ETSU Course(s) Semester Hours Credit 3 GERM 1010,1020 6 4 GERM 1010,1020,2010 9 5 GERM 1010,1020,2010,2020 12 -
Geography (Human)
AP Exam Minimum Score ETSU Course(s) Semester Hours Credit Geography (Human) 3 GEOS 1012 3 -
Government & Politics
AP Exam Minimum Score ETSU Course(s) Semester Hours Credit U.S. 3 PSCI 1120 3 Comparative 3 PSCI Elective 3 -
AP Exam Minimum Score ETSU Course(s) Semester Hours Credit U.S. 3 HIST 2010, 2020 6 European 3 HIST 1110, 1120 6 World 3 HIST 1110, 1120 6 -
AP Exam Minimum Score ETSU Course(s) Semester Hours Credit 3 JAPN 1010,1020 6 Japanese 4 JAPN 1010,1020,2010 9 5 JAPN 1010,1020,2010,2020 12 -
AP Exam Minimum Score ETSU Course(s) Semester Hours Credit 3 LATN 1010,1020 6 Latin 4 LATN 1010,1020,2010 9 5 LATN 1010,1020,2010,2020 12 -
AP Exam Minimum Score ETSU Course(s) Semester Hours Credit Calculus AB 3 MATH 1840 3 Calculus AB 4 MATH 1840 OR 1910 3 or 4 Calculus BC 3 MATH 1910,1920 8 PreCalculus 3 MATH 1710, 1720 6 -
Music Theory
AP Exam Minimum Score ETSU Course(s) Semester Hours Credit Music Theory 3 MUSC 1100 4 -
AP Exam Minimum Score ETSU Course(s) Semester Hours Credit Physics 1 & 2 4 PHYS 2010/11,2020/21 8 Physics C (Part 1) No Credit Physics C (Part 2) No Credit -
AP Exam Minimum Score ETSU Course(s) Semester Hours Credit Psychology 3 PSYC 1310 3 -
AP Exam Minimum Score ETSU Course(s) Semester Hours Credit 3 SPAN 1010,1020 6 Spanish 4 SPAN 1010,1020,2010 9 5 SPAN 1010,1020,2010,2020 12 -
AP Exam Minimum Score ETSU Course(s) Semester Hours Credit Statistics 3 MATH 1530 3
ACT/SAT Credit for Freshman English
1. Entering freshmen whose standard score on the English section of the ACT is 28 or better will receive 3 hours credit for ENGL 1010 and may then enroll in ENGL 1020.
2. Entering freshmen whose standard score on the Verbal section of the SAT is 630 or better will receive 3 hours credit for ENGL 1010 and may then enroll in ENGL 1020. Note: The highest English score will determine the student’s eligibility for this credit. This is for SAT exams administered before March 2016.
3. Entering freshmen whose standard score on the Evidence-Based Reading and Writing Section of the SAT is 680 or better will receive 3 hours credit for ENGL 1010 and may then enroll in ENGL 1020. This is for SAT exams administered after March 2016.
If ETSU receives a transcript with dual enrollment, the ETSU ENGL 1010 credit will be replaced with the credit with associated grade.
Students who do not want to receive the ETSU ENGL 1010 credit, should contact Undergraduate Admissions (Michele Williams, 423-439-4213).
International Baccalaureate Program
The International Baccalaureate Program offers secondary school students the opportunity to participate in college-level courses and to receive college credit. Credit awarded for Higher Level exams only. The courses listed below have been approved for credit. Students must request an official IB transcript be sent to the Admissions Office.
Test Subject | Test Score | ETSU Course | Credit Hours |
Biology | 5 or higher | BIOL 1010/11, 1020/21 | 8 |
Business Management | 5 or higher | BADM 1130 | 3 |
Chemistry | 5 or higher | CHEM 1110/11, 1120/21 | 8 |
English | 5 or higher | ENGL 1010 | 3 |
English A:Literature | 5 or higher | ENGL 1010 & ENGL1020 | 6 |
History of the Americas | 5 or higher | FR History Elective | 3 |
History/Europe | 5 or higher | SR History Elective | 3 |
Language B | 5 or higher | ENGL 1006, 1007 | 6 |
Music | 5 or higher | MUSC 1030 | 3 |
Psychology | 5 or higher | PSYC 1310 | 3 |
Physics | 5 or higher | PHYS 2010/11, 2020/21 | 8 |
Theatre | 5 or higher | THEA 1030, SO Theatre Elective | 6 |
Visual Arts | 5 or higher | ARTA 1001 | 3 |
*Additional IB courses may be considered for credit.
Eligible students may earn advanced standing by successfully completing College Level Examination Program (CLEP) general and subject examinations of the College Board. The University follows the recommendations of the Commission on Educational Credit and Credentials of the American Council on Education for awarding credit toward the baccalaureate degrees in most academic areas.
CLEP General Examinations
Credit for four general examinations is awarded as detailed below. Students need not successfully complete all exams in order to earn credit. Advanced standing credit is currently being allowed for the following courses.
Test | Minimum Score | ETSU Course(s) | Semester Hours Credit |
College Composition | 50 | English 1010 & 1020 | 6 |
Humanities | 50 | English 2220; Arth 2010 | 6 |
Natural Sciences | 50 | Biology 1020/1021, Physics 1030 | 8 |
Social Sciences & History | 50 | History 1120 & SOAA 1020 | 6 |
CLEP Subject Examinations
Credit for the subject examinations is awarded if the student achieves the average score of students in the norming group who earned a minimum grade of C in a comparable college course. The credit awarded is determined by the scope of material measured by the test and the comparable course offered by East Tennessee State University. Advanced standing credit is currently being allowed as outlined in the attached table.
CLEP Subject Examination Policy
Subject Examination | Minimum Score | ETSU Course(s) | Semester Hours Credit |
Financial Accounting | 50 | ACCT 2010, 2020 | 6 |
American Government | 50 | PSCI 1120 | 3 |
History of United States I | 50 | HIST 2010 | 3 |
History of United States II | 50 | HIST 2020 | 3 |
American Literature | 50 | ENGL 2110, ENGL 2120 | 6 |
Biology, General | 50 | BIOL 1110, 1111, 1120, 1121 | 8 |
Business Law, Intro. | 50 | Business Elective | 3 |
Calculus | 50 | MATH 1840, or 1910* | 3 or 4 |
Chemistry, General | 50 | CHEM 1110, 1111, 1120, 1121 | 8 |
College Algebra | 50 | MATH 1710 | 3 |
College Composition Modular | — | No Credit** | — |
College Mathematics | — | No Credit** | — |
Pre-Calculus | 50 | MATH 1720 | 3 |
French Lang. Level I | 50 | FREN 1010, 1020 | 6 |
French Lang. Level II | 59 | FREN 1010, 1020, 2010, 2020 | 12 |
German Lang. Level I | 50 | GERM 1010, 1020 | 6 |
German Lang. Level II | 60 | GERM 1010, 1020, 2010, 2020 | 12 |
Spanish Lang. Level I | 50 | SPAN 1010, 1020 | 6 |
Spanish Lang. Level II | 60 | SPAN 1010, 1020, 2010, 2020 | 12 |
Educational Psychology, Intro | 50 | HDAL 3310 | 3 |
English Literature | 50 | ENGL 2210; ENGL 2220 | 6 |
Human Growth & Development | 50 | EDFN 2310 or HDAL 2320 or 2330 | 3 |
Information Systems & Comp. Appl. | 50 | CSCI 1100 | 3 |
Literature, Analyzing and Interpreting | 50 | ENGL 2030 & ENGL Elect. | 6 |
Macroeconomics, Principles | 50 | ECON 2210 | 3 |
Management, Principles | 50 | MGMT Elect. | 3 |
Marketing, Principles | 50 | MKTG Elect. | 3 |
Microeconomics, Principles | 50 | ECON 2220 | 3 |
Psychology, Introductory | 50 | PSYC 1310 | 3 |
Sociology, Introductory | 50 | SOCI 1020 | 3 |
Western Civilization I | 50 | HIST 1110 | 3 |
Western Civilization II | 50 | HIST 1120 | 3 |
*Math credit determined by student’s major at time CLEP scores are received.
** Subject examination College Composition Modular does not include the required essay
Cambridge Exam Results
Cambridge Exam Grade ETSU Credit & Hours Arabic (A Level) E or Better LANG 1001 elec. (3,3) Arabic (AS Level) E or Better LANG 1001 elec. (3) Arabic 121–122 (4,4) E or Better LANG 1001 elec. (4,4) -
Art & Design
Cambridge Exam Grade ETSU Credit & Hours Art and Design (A Level) E or Better ARTA 1001 (3,3) Art and Design (AS Level) E or Better ARTA 1001 (3) -
Cambridge Exam Grade ETSU Credit & Hours Biology (A or AS Level) E or Better BIOL 1110/1111 (4) AS Level
BIOL 1110/1111 & BIOL 1120/1121 (4,4) A Level -
Cambridge Exam Grade ETSU Credit & Hours A Level E or Better BADM 1130 (3) A Level
BADM1001 (3) A Level -
Cambridge Exam Grade ETSU Credit & Hours Chemistry (A Level) E or Better CHEM 1110/1111 & 1120/1121 (4,4) Chemistry (AS Level) E or Better CHEM 1110/1111 (4) -
Cambridge Exam Grade ETSU Credit & Hours All Exams E or Better LANG 1001 (3) -
Classical Studies
Cambridge Exam Grade ETSU Credit & Hours Classical Studies (A Level) E or Better HUMT 2310, 2320 (3,3) Classical Studies (AS Level) E or Better HUMT 2310 (3) -
Cambridge Exam Grade ETSU Credit & Hours Divinity (A or AS Level) E or Better RELI 2210, 2002 A Level (3,3)
RELI 2210 (3) - AS Level -
Cambridge Exam Grade ETSU Credit & Hours Economics (A Level) E or Better ECON 2210, 2220 (3,3) Economics (AS Level) E or Better ECON 2210 (3) -
Cambridge Exam Grade ETSU Credit & Hours English – Language (A Level) E or Better ENGL 1010, 1020 (3,3) English – Literature (A Level) E or Better ENGL 2210 & 2220 (3,3) -
Environmental Management
Cambridge Exam Grade ETSU Credit & Hours Environmental Management (A Level) E or Better ENVH 1001, 1001 (3,3) -
Cambridge Exam Grade ETSU Credit & Hours French (A Level) E or Better FREN 1010, 1020 (3,3) French (A Level) B FREN 1010, 1020 (3,3) French (A Level) A or A* FREN 1010, 1020 (3,3) French – Language or Literature (AS Level) E or better FREN 1010 (3) or FREN 2002 (3) for Literature -
Cambridge Exam Grade ETSU Credit & Hours Geography (A Level) E or Better GEOG 1110/1111 & 1120/1121 (4,4) Geography (AS Level) E or Better GEOL 1040/41 (4) -
Cambridge Exam Grade ETSU Credit & Hours German (A Level) E or Better GERM 1010, 1020 (3,3) German (A Level) D GERM 1010, 1020 (3,3) German (A Level) E or Better GERM 1010, 1020 (3,3) German – Language (AS Level) E or Better GERM 1010 (3) German – Language (AS Level) D GERM 1010 (3) German – Language (AS Level) E or Better GERM 1010 (3) -
Global Perspectives
Cambridge Exam Grade ETSU Credit & Hours Global Perspectives (A Level) E or Better PSCI 1001 (3,3) -
Cambridge Exam Grade ETSU Credit & Hours Hinduism (A or AS Levels) E or Better RELI 2210 & 2002 (3,3) A Level
RELI 2210 (3) AS Level -
Cambridge Exam Grade ETSU Credit & Hours History (A Level) E or Better HIST 1110,1120 (3,3) -
Islamic Studies
Cambridge Exam Grade ETSU Credit & Hours Islamic Studies (A or AS Level) E or Better RELI 2210, 2002 A Level (3,3)
RELI 2210 (3) AS Level -
Cambridge Exam Grade ETSU Credit & Hours Japanese Language (AS Level only) E or Better JAPN 1010 (3) -
Marine Science
Cambridge Exam Grade ETSU Credit & Hours Marine Science (A Level) E or Better N/A -
Cambridge Exam Grade ETSU Credit & Hours Mathematics (A Level) E or Better MATH 1530, 1001 (3,3) Mathematics (Prob&Stats) (AS Level) E or Better MATH 1530(3) Mathematics – Further (A Level) E or Better MATH 1001 (3,3) Mathematics – Further (AS Level) E or Better MATH 1001 (3) -
Cambridge Exam Grade ETSU Credit & Hours Music (A Level) B or Better MUSC 1030, 1001 (3,3) Music (AS Level) A or A* MUSC 1030 (3) -
Physical Science
Cambridge Exam Grade ETSU Credit & Hours Physical Science (A Level) E or Better N/A -
Cambridge Exam Grade ETSU Credit & Hours Physics (A Level) E or Better PHYS 2010/2011 & 2020/2021 (4,4) Physics (AS Level) E or Better PHYS 2010/2011 & 2020/2021 (4,4) -
Cambridge Exam Grade ETSU Credit & Hours Portuguese (A Level) E or Better LANG 1001 (3,3) Portuguese (AS Level) E or Better LANG 1001 (3) Portuguese – Language (AS Level only) E or Better LANG 1001 (3) Portuguese – Language (AS Level only) E or Better LANG 1001 (3) -
Cambridge Exam Grade ETSU Credit & Hours Psychology (A Level) E or Better PSYC 1310, 2000 (3,3) Psychology (AS Level) E or Better PSYC 1310 (3) -
Cambridge Exam Grade ETSU Credit & Hours Sociology (A or AS Level) E or Better SOCI 1020, 1001 (3,3) A Level
SOCI 1020 (3) AS Level -
Cambridge Exam Grade ETSU Credit & Hours Spanish (A Level) E or Better SPAN 1010, 1020 (3,3) Spanish (AS Level) B SPAN 1010, 1020 (3,3) Spanish (A Level) A or A* SPAN 1010, 1020 (3,3) Spanish – First Language (AS Level only) E or Better SPAN 1010 (3) Spanish – Language (AS Level only) E or Better SPAN 1010 (3) Spanish – Literature (AS Level only) E or Better SPAN 1010 (3)
Departmental Course Challenge Exams
Comprehensive departmental course challenge exams are available in most undergraduate courses. Students enrolled in ETSU who believe they have sufficient mastery of subject matter in specific ETSU courses may request to attempt a comprehensive examination through the chair of the department offering the course. Grades of A, B, C, D, or F or grades of ‘P’ for passed hours and ‘F’ for failed hours may be assigned for examination performance as determined by the appropriate academic department. A fee of $25.00 per credit hour sought will be charged. The administration of the examination is at the discretion of the academic department.
Excelsior College Examinations ETSU Policy
The Excelsior College Examination are a series of college-level examinations designed to measure subject matter attained primarily outside typical classrooms in order to provide a basis for awarding college credit. ETSU awards credit for successful completion exam as detailed below:
Subject | Minimum Score | ETSU Course(s) | Semester Hours Credit |
Gerontology, Foundations of Nursing | 46 | COBH 4607 | 3 |
English Composition | C | ENGL 1010 | 3 |
At this time, Excelsior College Nursing exams will transfer into ETSU as Nursing elective credit.
The Excelsior College English Composition exams measures a student’s ability in responding to written texts through expository writing, argumentation, and analysis. Additionally, it measures a student’s rhetorical, syntactic, and mechanical abilities. At this time, Excelsior College English Composition exams will transfer into ETSU as ENGL 1010.
University Credit for Experiential Learning (Applied Science [B.A.S.], Professional Studies [B.S.], and Interdisciplinary Studies [B.S.])
East Tennessee State University reviews experiential learning for possible credit for students pursuing the Bachelor of Applied Science or Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies. Experiential learning is typically learning that has taken place outside of traditional college settings, but does not include credit based upon advanced placement or other examinations (i.e., CLEP) or training provided by non-collegiate institutions such as the Armed forces and service schools (the American Council on Education National Guide to Educational Credit for Training Programs reviews such credits). Students work with their academic advisor to prepare a detailed and documented portfolio of experiential learning for possible credit. In the portfolio, students must request specific ETSU credit, identifying an existing ETSU course that is a good match with their experience/training/knowledge. Supporting materials in the portfolio that may help document the learning could include samples of creative works, specific licensures held, continuing education unit certificates awarded at the completion of workshops and training courses, and certificates of completion for applicable courses completed through noncollegiate-sponsored instruction or training. Students must file the Application for Academic Credit Earned through Experiential Learning in addition to the portfolio. The appropriate ETSU academic department reviews the completed experiential learning application and portfolio to determine course equivalency. Departments may request additional materials, an interview, a departmental challenge exam, and/or other methods to assess competencies for the applicable ETSU course. Credits earned through experiential learning are identified on the student's transcript and receive a grade of "P" for "passed hours." No more than 30 hours of credit may be earned through the portfolio. Students must be enrolled in at least one hour of ETSU coursework to apply for experiential learning credit. Credit earned through experiential learning typically cannot be transferred or applied to majors other than those identified. Additional information is available from the Office of Admissions or the Division of Cross-Disciplinary Studies.
Credit from Non-Regionally Accredited Collegiate Institutions
ETSU will review for possible credit courses earned through nonregionally accredited collegiate institutions. If a student wishes ETSU to consider acceptance of academic credit completed through institutions not accredited by regional accrediting associations, a petition that such credit be reviewed must be filed. This petition, the Application for Academic Credit Earned at Non-Regionally Accredited Collegiate Institutions, is available from the Office of Admissions. The student must obtain this petition form and provide it to the appropriate academic department. Credit will be recorded on a student’s record only after the appropriate academic department and dean have reviewed the course and determined it to be equivalent in content to an ETSU course and approval is issued by the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs.
- Non-traditional credit available only to enrolled, undergraduate, degree-seeking students.
- Policy subject to change by the University, testing services, and other agencies without notice.
Tennessee Statewide Dual Credit
Statewide dual credit classes are college-level courses taught at the high-school level by trained high-school teachers in TN. All statewide dual credit courses are approved by the Consortium for Cooperative Innovative Education before they can be offered as a part of the state’s current pilot program. Students must meet or exceed the exam ‘cut score’ to receive college credit.
Subject | ETSU Courses |
American History II | HIST 2020 |
Criminal Justice | CJCR 1100 |
Pre-Calculus | MATH 1720 |
Psychology | PSYC 1310 |
Intro to Probability & Statistics | MATH 1530 |
World History | HIST 1001 |
Fundamentals of Communication | COMM 2025 |
Intro to Agriculture Business | GEEL 1001 |
Intro to Plant Science | GEEL 1001 |
Intro to Sociology | SOCI 1020 |
Intro to Business | BADM 1130 |
Intro to Education | EDFN 2400 |