Flow Charts & a sample of acceptable notice are available under the "Resources" link
- The faculty member makes a determination that the academic misconduct policy has been
violated: See definitions, ETSU Institutional Disciplinary Rules, Part 2, Disciplinary Offenses, Section (x) Academic Misconduct: Plagiarism, Cheating,
- The faculty member decides to discuss the situation with the student, issue a verbal
warning, and use the situation as a teachable moment. No sanction is applied and the
issue is considered closed.
OR - Faculty member decides to apply a grade sanction reducing the grade for the work/assignment,
up to and including a grade of F on the work in question or a grade of F in the course.
- Faculty member informs the student of their finding of a violation and the related
sanction being applied. Written notice must be provided.* Communication should be
sent to the students ETSU email/eMail account within seven (7) business days of assigning
the grade sanction. Business days are counted by the number of days that University
offices are open for business on the main campus in Johnson City, Tennessee. The
communication should indicate the grade sanction being applied, related documentation
of the violation, whether or not a request is being made to the Deans Office** of
the college where the violation occurred for a formal disciplinary hearing to take place, and
the process by which a student may file an appeal.
*See sample of acceptable notice in word or pdf.
**All Graduate Student cases are handled by the Graduate School. The Quillen COM and the Gaton COP have their own policies and procedures. - Communication should be copied to the Dean of the college in which the violation occurred.
- Faculty member informs the student of their finding of a violation and the related
sanction being applied. Written notice must be provided.* Communication should be
sent to the students ETSU email/eMail account within seven (7) business days of assigning
the grade sanction. Business days are counted by the number of days that University
offices are open for business on the main campus in Johnson City, Tennessee. The
communication should indicate the grade sanction being applied, related documentation
of the violation, whether or not a request is being made to the Deans Office** of
the college where the violation occurred for a formal disciplinary hearing to take place, and
the process by which a student may file an appeal.
- Deans office of the college where the violation occurred files copy of the communication
with the Designee for Academic Affairs/Director of University Advisement, the central reporting point for all violations.
- If a repeat offender, all related information will be shared with the Deans office
of the College where the violation occurred by the Designee for Academic Affairs/Director of University Advisement
- If a repeat offender, all related information will be shared with the Deans office
of the College where the violation occurred by the Designee for Academic Affairs/Director of University Advisement
- Deans office contacts the Registrars office and requests that a hold and note be applied
to the students records pending the final resolution. This ensures the class cannot
be dropped until the situation is resolved.
- If the timeframe for appeal expires (seven business days) without an appeal:
- the case is considered closed, proceed to number 9
OR - information obtained from the Designee for Academic Affairs/Director of University Advisement or the severity of the violation causes the case to proceed to number 8
- the case is considered closed, proceed to number 9
- If the student files an appeal then proceed to number 8
- The Academic Misconduct Procedures* are implemented. *See Flow Chart of this process under the "Resources" link.
- The TUAPA option is explained to student by Dean or their Designee if suspension or expulsion
are possibilities. If TUAPA is chosen the case is forwarded to University Counsel
for adjudication.
- The TUAPA option is explained to student by Dean or their Designee if suspension or expulsion
are possibilities. If TUAPA is chosen the case is forwarded to University Counsel
for adjudication.
- Deans office requests hold and note are removed from students record following notification
of final resolution.
- Final results are shared with the Designee for Academic Affairs/Director of University Advisement