The Provost charged a working group to refine and improve the Academic Integrity and Misconduct Policy in 2017. The group included Dean, Chair, Faculty and Staff representatives. Improvements were made to strengthen the policy and procedure, place it in the new University format, and address timeliness of process, list steps more clearly, clarify the appointment and/or election of a hearing board chair, explain what happens in case of a tie, define a sanction(s), and to clarify appeals process and allow faculty member to appeal.
The policy was reviewed and feedback provided by the Academic Council, Dean's Council, Council of Chairs, Student Government Association, Graduate Professional Student Associaiton, and Faculty Senate.
The revised policy will be presented to Academic Council for approval in Summer 2018.
Prior to the latest revision, two big changes to ETSU's academic misconduct policy
and procedure took place in 2012.
The first was a Tennessee Board of Regents system-wide revision to the Institutional
Disciplinary Rules which went into effect in January 2012. The Academic Integrity
and Misconduct Policy is published online in the University's Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs.
East Tennessee State University, Undergraduate Catalog, Policies and Procedures, Student Conduct and Rights, Institutional Disciplinary Rules
East Tennessee State University, Graduate Catalog, Policies and Procedures, Student Conduct and Rights, Institutional Disciplinary Rules
The second change was the submission of a final report by the University's Academic Integrity and Ethics Task Force. In the Spring of 2011, this group was charged by Provost Bert Bach with reviewing current University policy and making recommendations to improve the campus climate related to Integrity and Ethics.
The Task Force's Final Report was submitted to the university's Academic Council in
Spring 2012. Click below to view the report.
Academic Integrity and Task Force Final Report
Recommendations 1-4 & 6 adopted as written, 5 returned to the committee for further review, and 7 endorsed as written, by the Academic Council on Thursday, February 16, 2012.