Reports to: | President | |
Advise the President on matters related to the successful continuation of Army ROTC at ETSU. Receive regular updates on the status of the ETSU Army ROTC Program; maintain dialogue with the Professor of Military Science regarding Program challenges and other issues. Assist (as appropriate) in coordinating internal and external support for the Army ROTC Program - as related to the successful accomplishment of Army-directed missions and other metrics. Encourage and facilitate outreach to organizations with existing or potential linkages to Army ROTC – both ETSU-internal and external. Facilitate open lines of communication between the Army ROTC Program and ETSU administrators, faculty, staff, and students. Attend, as appropriate, ROTC-related University and community events; encourage others on campus to do the same. |
Status | Membership Structure | Name |
Voting members; all terms indefinite | CHAIR (appointed by the President) | LTC (Ret) Scott Jeffress |
Associate Vice President for Community and Government Relations (or designated rep) | Ms. Bridget Baird | |
Chief Marketing and Communications Officer (or designated rep) | Mr. O.J. Early (designated rep) | |
Executive Director, ETSU National Alumni Association (or designated rep) | Ms. Whitney Goetz | |
Dean, College of Business & Technology (or designated rep) | Mr. Jared Wilson (designated rep) | |
Chair of the Veterans Affairs Standing Committee (or designated rep) | Col (Ret) Dan Bishop | |
One (1) Faculty member (at large) | LTC (Ret) Bruce Gannaway | |
Director of Institutional Research (or designated rep) | Dr. Michael Hoff | |
Ex-officio; non-voting | Professor of Military Science | LTC Jared Powell |
Updated 28 June 2023