The US Department of Education recently announced New Regulations for Title IX implementation at public institutions.
As of July 31, 2024, pursuant to Federal court orders, the Department is currently
enjoined from enforcing the 2024
Final Rule in 26 states, including Tennessee. Pending further court orders, the Department’s
Title IX Regulations, as amended in 2020 (2020 Title IX Final Rule) remain in effect
in Tennessee and at East Tennessee State University.
Please direct any questions concerning Title IX regulations at ETSU to compliance@etsu.edu.
The Office of University Compliance seeks to support and enhance East Tennessee State University’s vision, mission, and values by providing independent and objective measures to address the University’s legal, regulatory, and ethical responsibilities. The office provides program oversight for Title IX of the Education Amendments, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act. The office collaborates with campus partners to provide policy development, education, enforcement, remediation, and support to the University community.
The Office of University Compliance seeks to develop and promote a culture of compliance to support ETSU’s mission of delivering education in a world class environment.
Supporting ETSU's core values:
- PEOPLE come first, are treated with dignity and respect, and are encouraged to achieve their full potential
- RELATIONSHIPS are built on honesty, integrity, and trust
- DIVERSITY of people and thought is respected
- EXCELLENCE is achieved through teamwork, leadership, creativity, and a strong work ethic;
- EFFICIENCY is achieved through wise use of human and financial resources; and
- COMMITMENT to intellectual achievement is embraced.
Tenn. Code Ann. § 49-7-1905 requires “Each public institution of higher education shall conduct a biennial survey of the institution’s students and employees to assess the campus climate with regard to diversity of thought and the respondents’ comfort level in speaking freely on campus, regardless of political affiliation or ideology.”
In compliance with Tenn. Code Ann. § 49-7-1905, East Tennessee State University administered its ETSU Biennial Campus Climate Survey in December 2022 and December 2024.