Table of Contents
Instructional Development Grants
Research Development Funds - please contact the Vice Provost for Research Office at 423-439-6000
Student/Faculty Collaborative Research Grants
Summer Research Fellowship in Arts and Sciences
Travel Award for Arts and Sciences Faculty (TAASF)
Presidential Grants-In-Aid
Presidential Grants-in-Aid may be awarded for planned programs of faculty development that enhance teaching, research development or service. Primarily for faculty development, the mission of the program is to fund activities that will enhance a faculty member's credentials or the ability to conduct teaching, research, and/or service. For more information on eligibility and the application process, refer to the guidelines linked below.
PGIA guidelines and the application form
Instructional Development Grants
Instructional Development Grants provide funds for special projects in which faculty implement and assess innovative methods to enhance student learning at ETSU. The deadlines for submitting applications are sent to all faculty each year. For more information:
IDG website and Faculty Handbook and Application Form
Student/Faculty Collaborative Research Grants
The purpose of this fund is to encourage outstanding undergraduate students to complete an organized research project during their senior year. In consideration of the time required for most research, juniors also are eligible for grant awards. Administered by the Honors College & Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities.
See also the Honors College Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities and Creative Activities' funding page at