Where is the Military Affiliated Student Resource Center (MARC) located?
The MARC is on the ground floor of Yoakley Hall, room 006. It is available to you 24 x 7 and provides unlimited printing, some snacks, coffee, a full-service kitchen, computer room, tutoring/study room, and TV viewing area. -
Is the MARC only for combat veterans?
No. The MARC is for family members (spouses and children) of veterans, anyone who has served in the military, as well as combat veterans. Note that you don’t even have to be using the GI Bill ® for privileges to the MARC. Every one of these aforementioned groups serves (and have served) in their own way. Anyone who desires to exclude any other group from using the MARC will be themselves expelled. -
Can I bring guests into the MARC?
Only pre-approved guests are allowed (typically visiting relatives). No other students are allowed. -
What if I am part of a study group and would like to use the MARC for a session?
You the Military Affiliated Student, must be present for the group to use the facility. You will be responsible for the behavior of your group. Should the group not be in the company of the Military Affiliated Student, they will not be allowed to use the MARC. -
How do I obtain approval to get into the MARC?
Stop by the Veterans Affairs office in Burgin-Dossett room 101A with a copy of the Veteran DD-214 (Certificate of Discharge) and complete a Lounge Access Form. Within 2 working days, your ETSU ID Card will be enabled to swipe to gain access to the building after hours (it is open during the workweek from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm) and to get into the MARC itself all the time.