Mckenzie Highsmith, PahrmD, BC-ADM
Associate Professor
- highsmithm@etsu.edu
- 423-439-6249
- Building 7, Room 314
McKenzie Highsmith, PharmD, BC-ADM, is an Associate Professor in East Tennessee State University Bill Gatton College of Pharmacy's Department of Pharmacy Practice. Dr. Highsmith also holds an Associate Professor appointment in the Department of Family Medicine at James H. Quillen College of Medicine. She maintains a clinical pharmacy practice with ETSU Family Physicians of Kingsport, specializing in chronic disease management and transitions of care. She is the faculty advisor for the ETSU chapter of the APhA-Academy of Student Pharmacists and a member of TPA, APhA, ACCP, STFM, Kappa Psi, and Phi Lambda Sigma.
Education, Degree, & Post Graduate Training
Doctor of Pharmacy at ETSU Gatton College of Pharmacy
PGY1 Residency in Pharmacy Practice at Veterans Affairs Tennessee Valley Healthcare
System in Nashville, TN
PGY2 Residency in Ambulatory Care at ETSU Gatton College of Pharmacy
Career highlights:
2013-2014 Outstanding Clinical Preceptor (Given by the College of Pharmacy Class of 2015)
2013-2014 Attending of the Year (Given by the Medical Residents of ETSU Family Physicians
of Kingsport)
2014-2015 Faculty of the Year (Given by the Medical Residents of ETSU Family Physicians
of Kingsport)
2014-2015 Outstanding Clinical Preceptor (Given by the College of Pharmacy Class of
Teaching specialty:
Chronic primary care diseases, anticoagulation, cardiovascular risk reduction, healthcare policy
Classes taught:
Course Coordinator for Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Practice in Appalachia and IDEALS Labs V and VI
Also teach in the Pharmacotherapy Series, Pharmacotherapy Lab, Integrated Series,
Communications, and OTC/ Natural Medicines
Research Interests:
Patient-Centered Medical Home, Transitions of Care, Interprofessional Primary Care
Selected Publications:
Calhoun M, Cross LB, Cooper-DeHoff R. Clinical Utility of Beta-Blockers for Primary and Secondary Prevention of Coronary Artery Disease. Expert Review of Cardiovascular Therapy. 11(3), 289–291 (2013).
Lee P, Calhoun M, Stewart D, Cross LB. Transition of Care in Patients with Heart Failure. Home Health Care Management & Practice. (2013)
Significant Regional, State, or National Service:
Tennessee Pharmacists Association:
Board of Directors
TN Society of Pharmacists Chair
Ambulatory Care/Collaborative Practice Committee
Organizational Involvement/Membership:
Society of Teachers of Family Medicine
American College of Clinical Pharmacy
American Pharmacists Association (APhA)
Tennessee Pharmacists Association
Kappa Psi
Phi Lambda Sigma
Personal motto or favorite quote:
When in doubt, go ask Brian Cross.