Bruce Gannaway, MBA, MPA
Assistant Dean of Finance and Administration & Master Lecturer
- gannawayb@etsu.edu
- 423-439-6332
- Building 7, Room 207
Bruce graduated from the University of North Georgia with a Bachelors in Business Administration in 1998 and was commissioned through the Army ROTC program as an Infantry Officer. He served in the U.S. Army for almost 21 years and rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel. His deployments include two deployments to Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and one deployment to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. Bruce moved 14 times military career and enjoyed the opportunity to choose the location of his 15th (and final!) move back to the state that has become his home.
His military awards and decorations include the Legion of Merit, two Bronze Stars, and the Purple Heart. He has earned the Ranger Tab, Parachutist Badge, Air Assault Badge, and both the Expert and Combat Infantryman’s Badges. He was selected for the Defense Comptrollership Program, where he earned both a Masters of Business Administration and Masters of Public Administration from Syracuse University.
Bruce has served at the Pentagon managing over $10B in Military and National Intelligence Program funds, he has served as the comptroller for, and deployed with, the 75th Ranger Regiment, and was Army Central Command’s Chief of Financial Operations responsible for providing finance and accounting support to all deployed forces in South West Asia.
Bruce is married to Sarah and they have four children. His interest include books, home brewing, bicycling, and baking. He enjoys other challenges, which have included home renovations, quilting, and financial planning. He is keen on, but equally bad at, a large number of sports and other hobbies to include bagpipes and bee keeping.
Occasionally Sarah refers to him as ‘dumb stubborn.’ His previous senior rater referred to him as ‘tenacious.’ His two pugs don’t care what he is called as long as supper arrives on time.