Mental Health First Aid

JOHNSON CITY (Sept. 4) — East Tennessee State University’s Office of Professional Development will offer an eight-hour course leading to certification in Mental Health First Aid: Helping Our Veterans on Wednesday, Oct. 14, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the D.P. Culp University Center, meeting room 6.
Like traditional first aid classes, the course trains people to help veterans in an emergency situation. Participants learn how to recognize the signs and symptoms of mental health problems and how to provide initial aid before guiding a person in distress toward appropriate professional help.
Ron Morton will conduct the training. He is a certified Mental Health First Aid instructor who has worked in the areas of substance abuse and mental health since 1984. A candidate for a Ph.D. at the California School of Professional Psychology, he holds two master’s degrees in clinical psychology. Currently, he serves as director of Recovery and Resilience for BlueCare and TennCare Select of Tennessee and provides behavioral health services for the TennCare population.
The course is $75, with group rates available. The fee includes a workbook. To register, go to and click on “currently scheduled courses” and then “Health Care” or call 800-222-3878.