ETSU is committed to all populations including but not limited to those with disabilities, who are first generation, low income, active military or veterans, unemployed, or historically underserved/underrepresented.

What does this mean for ETSU?

This commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion is not new to ETSU. Engrained in the university’s mission and values statement is the understanding that people come first, are treated with dignity and respect, and are encouraged to achieve their full potential.

Moon Shot for Equity is another way to help us fulfill mission.

Through the Moon Shot initiative, ETSU will focus on removing systemic barriers for students through 15 best practices that increase access to higher education and ensure long-term student success. We will take a comprehensive look at our campus culture, systems, structures, and processes to integrate equity-minded practices into everything we do.


This portal is for employees of colleges and universities that are members of the USC Race and Equity Center’s alliances, equity institutes, leadership academies, and other partnerships. It includes video recordings and assets from eCovenings, as well as other downloadable racial equity resources. This portal also allows persons with authenticated profiles to form and actively participate in virtual communities of practice. Posing questions of practice, offering advice to colleagues, sharing effective practices, and fostering new collaborations are all possible in the virtual communities.

Registration Steps

  1. Click on “Sign-Up Here.”
  2. Select your “East Tennessee HERA” under Category and select your institution.
  3. Enter information requested and create a password for your account. Please use your institution’s email address when registering (this will provide you access). You will receive an email confirmation upon registration (please check your spam folder). Please click “validate email” after receiving this email.
  4. After validation, use your credentials to log-in at Equity Connect.

Equity Connect Registration


15 Best Practices to Erase Equity Gaps

Leadership and Campus Climate

1.  Train leaders in effective change management
2.  Provide equity-focused professional development
3.  Conduct campus climate assessments

Access and Enrollment
4.  Expand community-based partnerships
5.  Offer seccond chances for adult learners

Academic Policy and Practices
6.  Audit registration holds and revise policies
7.  Offer retention grants for in-need students
8.  Assess and align math requirements
9.  Offer college-level gateway courses
10. Create undergraduate academic degree maps
11. Leverage meta-majors to ease student pathways
12. Create pathways for transfer students

Student Support and Belongingness

13. Leverage technolgy for proactive advising
14. Make student care a coordinated effort
15. Foster student belongingness

Current Best Practice Teams:

  • Coordinated Care

    Team Leader: Ethan Hutchinson, Assistant Director, Advisement Training

  • Hold Reforms

    Team Leader: Tom Donohoe, Registrar

  • Retention Grants Students

    Team Leader: Michelle Byrd, Assistant Vice President, SLE, and Dean of Students

  • Transfer Student Experience

    Team Leader: Kristin Wright, Director of Undergraduate Recruitment

  • Progress Reports


Dr Keith Johnson

For more information, contact:

Dr. Keith Johnson
Vice President for Equity and Inclusion