Saving Lives Through Collaboration

Story by Jonathan Roberts | Photos contributed

When Dr. J. Bracken Burns joined ETSU Health, he was just one of three trauma surgeons at Johnson City Medical Center.  

Now, that team has tripled in size to nine trauma surgeons – all of whom are ETSU Health faculty. Burns, JCMC’s Trauma Medical Director and Professor with the ETSU Quillen College of Medicine, was brought in to revitalize the surgical trauma program at JCMC and was eventually tasked with helping build a robust system of trauma care for the region.  

Though it certainly has not been easy, Burns said it has been a rewarding experience, and he credited the “essential” partnership among Ballad Health, the Quillen College of Medicine, and ETSU Health for recent success.

“We have seen growth from ETSU Health in many disciplines that impact trauma care,” said Burns. “This, in addition to the support from non-ETSU Health providers, has allowed us to advance trauma care and scholarly activity.”

Burns said collaboration between an academic entity and a health care system can often bridge gaps in the availability of specialty care such as trauma surgery, and that the partnership between ETSU Health and Ballad Health is evidence of it.

A photo of physicians in white coats standing in front of the Level 1 Trauma Center.

Dr. Bill Block, Dean of the Quillen College of Medicine and ETSU’s Vice President for Clinical Affairs, said the partnership between ETSU Health and Ballad Health is one that greatly benefits the region.

“In many parts of the country, there’s a dire lack of access to important services such as trauma care,” said Block. “We are fortunate to have this partnership to expand access to this critically important care here in our region. Establishing a trauma care network is about having the right resources in the right places to save lives, and that’s exactly what ETSU Health and Ballad Health have set out to do.”

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ETSU Today | Winter 2024

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