Clemmer College of Education and Human Development

Excellence in Counseling, Education, and Leadership


Photograph of faculty and student during graduationThe Clemmer College of Education and Human Development at East Tennessee State University is home to programs of study that focus on improving the quality of life of the region and beyond through teaching and learning, physical and mental health, and leadership management. Our academic programs, K-12 laboratory school, and four research and practice Centers (Community College Leadership, Early Childhood Learning & Development, STEM Education and Sport Science & Coach Education) all provide opportunities for research and professional outreach. Collectively we serve to facilitate the potential of individuals and communities. Clemmer College ExCELS – Excellence in Counseling, Education, Leadership, and Sport.

About Clemmer College

Clemmer College of Education and Human Development Disciplines

For over a century, we have been preparing highly educated teaching professionals from early childhood, elementary through secondary education and across all areas in including special education, physical education, and the next generation of educational leaders. To further realize our mission, our programs in counseling, human services, kinesiology, sport and recreation management, and sport science and coach education, contribute to expand our focus on on the whole person.


